
PlayStation Portal: Firmware update 4.0.0 due to Mikroruckler issue

PlayStation Portal: Firmware update 4.0.0 due to Mikroruckler issue

The 4.0.0 firmware update for PlayStation Portal does not bring Cloud support with this. Then there are several problems with the Launcher.

Sony has released the new update for PlayStation Portal Offenbar ein Problem addressed, das seit der Markteinführung des Geräts im vergangenen Jahr für Kritik sorgte. Mikroruckler passes through the Spielspass. Then you will find firmware update 4.0.0 of the current version.

Mikroruckler sind komplett verschwunden, berichten Spieler

“The problem with the microphone is the new update on you. Das ist riesig“, schrieb etwa ein Reddit user. “I can’t be frozen, it’s because I realized that I was on my portal. The new Update is now available.

Another argument for: “The microphones are complete. Where services are available, it is a European network. I had to test the Beta-Firmware for a woman to be tested and for the woman to be able to do it enormously. Sony has its own job of working.

In the changelog, the new PS Portal update and microphone is not explicitly explained. This message reads: “We have control and stability of the system software. »


PlayStation Portal Remote Player

Cloud-Streaming and other optimizations

The PS-Portal update brings improved stability and performance to the system and new features along with it. PlayStation Plus Premium-Mitglieder können fortan über die Cloud-Streaming-Beta available for PlayStation 5 games For Portal-Handheld games, without a PS5 you can play games.

Another feature is provided by teacher boards, in order to be optimized. Please note that the PS-Link Verbindungseinstellungen directly auf dem Gerät anpassen. This function is available in menus and is also compatible with other devices.

Here is the full changelog in PS Portal update 4.0.0:

  • We have the Lautstärke des Lautsprechers angepasst.
  • You can start the steps to install your PS Link on the PS Portal here.
    • Verbindein PS Link-Gerät mit deinem PS Portal et wähle im Schnellmenü Instellungen > PS Link Generator.
  • Cloud streaming (beta) ist jetzt verfügbar.
  • We have control and stability of the system software.
  • Wir haben die Nachrichten und die Benutzerfreundlichkeit auf einigen Bildschirmen verbessert.

Information about the new Cloud-Streaming is also available in this merger:

The PlayStation Portal cannot be used by the PlayStation Vita Director to complete material in a specific area. With the new functions, you can use the device for old nuts until they are the most attractive. Also a fully-fledged PlayStation-Handheld device is available on the inside, sofern wir den Gerüchten der vergangenen Wochen Glauben schenken können.

More information on mergers PlayStation Portal.

These news on the PlayStation forum are discussed

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