
MBE Worldwide Group focuses on new brand identity: Fortidia, MBE Deutschland GmbH, history

MBE Worldwide Group focuses on new brand identity: Fortidia, MBE Deutschland GmbH, history

The MBE Worldwide Group, a private multinational company led by Italian and global headquarters, has its new group market. Fortidia develop and celebrate your international positioning in e-commerce, fulfillment, supply, marketing and printing. The new market presents the group as a ganzheitliche platform.

Fortidia offers other brands of the group, using PrestaShop, Mail Boxes Etc., PostNet, PACK & SEND, World Options, AlphaGraphics, Multicopy, Print Speak, GEL Proximity and Spedingo. All Fortidia Mark a common vision: Chances for Unternehmen and Verbraucher zu Schaffen and damit ihre Kunden bei der Erreichung ambitionierter Ziele zu unterstützen.

“We are looking for a single point in the Geschichte group. With our strong growth potential and the expansion war in the zeitgeist, a group of Schaffen, our dual mission and our best efforts are better represented,” he said. Paolo Fiorelli, Managing Director and CEO of Fortidia.

The group began its retirement in 1993, together with the Fiorelli family in Italy, under the market of mailboxes, etc. with delivery and fulfillment services. The group also has more than three years in its strategic portfolio – among others in e-commerce, digital knowledge, marketing and printing – as well as the advanced platform for global commerce for small and best companies of trading of established companies. In January 2023, the group joins your stationary network with 3,200 service centers in 60 countries and your e-commerce platform PrestaShop with a budget of 1.1 million dollars. A €1.4 billion (US$1.5 billion) consumption reduction scheme resulted in a gross volume of €22 billion (US$23.8 million) that was generated.

Fortidia It’s also a new identity – if you agree with the current and faithful vision of the group. The name comes from the recent artwork “Fortis Idea” and symbolizes a combination of idea, change and understanding. Today is the new name for the Glauben and the habits of men, an understanding of the machine and a constant tradition for the future.

“The new branding highlights our unique, broader commitment, supports and assistance to help you, opportunities to multiply and your business opportunities expanded. Unsere Stärke, Belastbarkeit et tägliche Hingabe zum Wachstum unserer Kunden wird durch ce kraftvollen Namen symbolisiert”, schließt Fiorelli et betont, dass “dies in Fortidias Zielsetzung zum Druck kommt: Menschen local zu stärken, um Unternehmen global voranzubringen.“

About Fortidia

Fortidia is the brand identity of MBE Worldwide SpA – a private company managed by an Italian headquarters – and its retail company. Fortidia supports the small world and the Mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) sowie Verbraucher as umfassender Servicedienstleister. Dies gelingt durch eine Plattform, die verschiedene Marken vereint et spezialisierte Lösungen in den Bereichen E-Commerce, Fulfilment, Versand, Marketing et Druck bietet. Brands include PrestaShop, Mail Boxes Etc. (from the United States and Canada), PostNet, PACK & SEND, World Options, AlphaGraphics, Multicopy, Print Speak, GEL Proximity and Spedingo. In January 2023, we follow the combination of the stationary network – with 3,200 service centers in 60 countries with 14,000 Mitarbeitenden – and the e-commerce platform PrestaShop with 1.1 million dollars in revenue. Dabei wurden 1.4 Milliarden Euro (1.5 Milliarden US-Dollar) systemweiter Bruttoumsatz mit a 22 Milliarden Euro (23.8 Milliarden US-Dollar) Bruttowaren volumes generiert.