
America must maintain Social Security

America must maintain Social Security

Cal Thomas inferred in a recent article that people would have been much better off financially if they had put their money in the stock market a few years ago, but George Bush suggested the same thing just before the 2007 collapse.

The Republican Party hates Social Security and the fact that it is so well administered and on which so many people depend. The solution is simple: simply increase the contribution cessation rate to at least $200,000 and then increase it at the same time as the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment.

It should also be noted in the “theater of the absurd” the success of our “dear leader” in having his ministerial choices confirmed; that should tell us what’s coming.

May God help the press to remain functional and informative; we have never needed it more. And I hope these young people maintain one of the government’s greatest achievements, Social Security.

Rudolph Ziehm, Sabattus

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