
NFL in Weiss! “Werde heute definitiv etwas Schnee essen”

NFL in Weiss! “Werde heute definitiv etwas Schnee essen”

In Week 12, the Cleveland Browns played the Pittsburgh Steelers in the NFL at 24:19 – it occurred in the winter period focus.

While the first time, without a doubt, the Steelers started with a Field Goal in the second quarter. By Touchdown and Field Goal, the Browns are played and the break is 10:3.

The first players turn to solutions for extreme situations, in the Schlussviertel as the Browns thanks to the runs of quarterback Jameis Winston and Nick Chubb in the end zone and have an effective 2-point conversion.

For the Steelers’ reign, there are two touchdowns that aren’t on the field. Russell Wilson’s Hail Mary isn’t a good move, but receiver George Pickens is at the close with guard Greg Newsome.

Winston in Weihnachtsstimmung

For the Steelers, it’s the first game of the season, for the Browns, for the first game. These frequent people are Winston quarterback as fast as wetter.

Auf dem Weg zum TV-Interview stimmte erst fröhlich “Jingle Bells” et, bei “Amazon Prime” meinte der Spielmacher anschließend: “Ich habe heute mit my Familie telefoniert and my Kids haben etwas Schnee aus der Luft gegesssen, daher werde ich heute Etwas Schnee definitive essen.”

NFL: Power rankings for week 12!