
Trump releases Gitarren – special Presidential Series now available

Trump releases Gitarren – special Presidential Series now available

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Leidenschaft zur Musik ou l’Ausweitung des Geschäftsmodells? Auf Truth Social excites Trump in its new derivative products. Guns are not included.

Washington, DC – US President-elect Donald Trump There is an exclusive exclusive guitar collection that features the “Limited Edition 45′ Guitar”, which cost $10,000 and is personally signed by Trump.

Trump releases Gitarren – special Presidential Series now available

Die Ankündigung erfolgte über Seine Social Media Platform Social truthwhich is an image of his guitar post, the seine berühmte Botschaft “Make America Great Again” auf dem Hals deals and with the image of a Weißkopfseeadlers for an American flag created.

Insgesamt sind nur 275 signierte elektrische guitars verfügbar, während es a large size Anzahl von nicht signierten Modellen gibt, die zwischen 1250 and 1500 Dollar kosten and ebenfalls bis Weihnachten geliefert werden sollen, berichtet FOXBusiness. The collection includes artistic and electric variants, the art of which is limited to 1000 pieces.

This is the “Limited Edition” hat Trump die “Presidential Series” in Leben gerufen, welche three elektrische Guitarren in Schwarz, Gold and Rot umfasst. They are ready to work and feel good inside their homes. Jede these guitars feature the name “Donald J. Trump”.

Trump releases Gitarren – special Presidential Series now available
Trump-Merch is also present in the musical instrument segment: Neu im Verkauf stehen Gitarren-Serien des designersierten US-Presidenten. We have what Donald Trump personally signed. © Photo links: X (Schreenshot)/@TrumpDailyPosts | Right photo: X (Screenshot)/@StevieWestAgain

Trump-Gitarren: You don’t know what guitar structure?

Trump also oversees the Vergangenheit für unconventional Politiker Merchandising betrieben, wobei er un Vielzahl von Products beworben et angeboten hat, Darunter sneakers and T-shirts, but also unique items. In March 2024 hat er etwa eine “God bless the United States” -Bibel for $59.99 on the market.

The financial details relate to the current situation of Trump and his own leaders within the administration of justice if the time is not clear. The website, above the guitar, is not available to manufacturers and does not require licenses or disclaimers. News week.