
Paradoxon in The Big Bang Theory – these simulation games took place from 2 years old for your first try

Paradoxon in The Big Bang Theory – these simulation games took place from 2 years old for your first try

Mayim Bialik’s thrilling game in The Big Bang Theory was played by Sheldon Coopers’ friend Amy Farrah Fowler’s Rolle. Bei näherer Betrachtung bringst es die Serien-Logik durcheinander, dass
Ausgerechnet sie für die Rolle gecastet wurde.

Mayim Bialik arrived on the show, until he overcame his game

Page’s first Slash movie was first created by Mayim Bialik Buyers. In the 13th episode of the physics team’s first Superbowl for Physiker (in the original The Bat Jar Conjecture), the main characters of Leonard, Raj and Howard were introduced in a single room. for your time Physiker-Bowling Team.

Dabei macht Raj an adaptation of the Blossom series: “Weißt du, wer anscheinend sehr klug ist?” Das ist das Mädchen, das Blossom im Fernsehen gespielt hat. You have a medical title in the Neurowissenschaften or so! »

Bei besagter Darstellerin handelt es sich um keine andere as Mayim Bialik persönlich. Between 1990 and 1995 you played the main character in the published sitcom Blossom. Tatsächlich besitzt die Schauspielerin im wahren Leben einen Doctor in Neurowissenschaften.

Mayim Bialik no longer has a single episode of The Big Bang Theory.

Mayim Bialik praises herself for him in the series nur wenig über The Big Bang Theory:

I ask you to see it, as I did in one of the Big Bang staff, and I also buy it in a role-playing game, I must be in Jeopardy! as a response dabei gewesen sein.

Dies änderte sich wohl first Stunden vor ihrem Vorsprechen:

Am Tag des Vorsprechens habe ich Jim Parsons gegoogelt, weil sie sagten: ‘Wir wollen einen weiblichen Jim Parsons’. So I heard about my audience’s predilection myself – and I, Jim Parsons, spent two seconds talking about YouTube.

In Jessica Radloffs Buch The Big Bang Theory: The Definitive Inside Story of the Epic Hit Series Producer Steve Molaro, the man who just dated them, had a “white version” of Sheldon as friends.

Molaro is also the series leader Chuck Lorre who spawned the war, taking care of the games of chance for the Rolle zu Casten, as they are also reading a doctor from the Neurowissenschaften and “The Wissenschaft and the Intelligence of the Characters single sign-on verleihen“

Auf cese Weise wurde Mayim Bialik auf un leicht paradox Weise eingeführt. Fans don’t expect them to be gestated by them, but movie players have chosen the series as Amy Farrah Fowler in a feature film of the series written until the end of the team.