
What are the Democrats not getting? Almost everything.

What are the Democrats not getting? Almost everything.

I think a lot of what circulates in the liberal media bubble is shaped by the fact that most writers have never been expelled, never been threatened by a rogue cop or enemy soldier, never never lost the family farm, never forced to choose between dignity and security, never told they had to reconsider their views if they wanted to keep the job they need to survive. You don’t understand our priorities and you just don’t see most of the country; you banned us because we were too rude and we became invisible. At least until you need someone to prepare your food, fix your car, or deliver your packages. You simply cannot understand how angry people are, how silenced they feel, or how much we need meaningful action and solutions.

Yes, this includes the specific anger of women and the specific anger of minorities. Obviously. But why should we be angrier with Trump than with Democrats? It was the Democrats who lied, mocked us, and piled on the bullshit without doing anything to help us. Trump, for better or worse, intuitively understands this anger and can argue convincingly that he will do something to try to ameliorate it. Democrats can’t say that. I mean, they can say it, but no one will believe them, because all they have given us for decades are haughty “messages” that never translate into substantive, meaningful, just, and fair action. large scale. People talk about how Trump is going to strip us of our rights, and that may be true, but it’s hard to care when our rights are already highly differentiated, virtually nonexistent, and dependent on restrictive identity claims. , and that every day we are confronted with the blatant inequality and looming precariousness of our lives.

The Democratic Party, and the left-wing ecosystem in general, has done very little to directly recognize and address the real problems Americans face or to demonstrate that they can act to support widespread freedom and prosperity. They say all sorts of things, but there’s no real plan. People are turning to Trump because they believe he will actually do it. do somethingtake serious, coordinated action to try to solve the country’s problems – and people are willing to take a chance on the stifling, disempowering, nauseating, soul-sucking status quo we are forced to inhabit. Is this really so surprising? If you can understand why a Palestinian might favor Hamas, then you will surely understand why an American might favor Trump. The solution is the same as it has always been: caring about the lives and needs of ordinary people and do somethingwhen you have the opportunity and the power, to defend our freedoms, root out bad actors and crooks of all stripes, and reduce inequality in a fair, direct, and universal way.