
321 Hafenanlagen durch Krieg beschädigt – Selenskyj seht Gefahr für Getreideexporte

321 Hafenanlagen durch Krieg beschädigt – Selenskyj seht Gefahr für Getreideexporte

This article is published in the original and is posted English

Ukraine, as Kornkammer Europas, is a global giant befriended and exported for the Russian invasion by settling several million tons from Monat within its Schwarzmeerhäfen.


After the arrival of Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj last July, the 321st anniversary of the Russian Civil War and the Raketenangryffe was declared. Ukraine is at the forefront of the economy, it has entered the whole world for export.

“Ukrainian purses pay 400 million people in 100 states of the world with food products. The price of products in Egypt, Libya, Nigeria and other Afrikaner states is directly davon ab, for the government and agriculture in Ukraine, normal work können”, said Selenskyj auf dem “Grain from Ukraine” – Gipfeltreffen am Samstag in Kiew.

“Deshalb ist es so wichtig, dass wir weiterhin zusammenstehen, um die Lebensmittelsicherheit, die Sicherheit der Transportwege, die Versorgung mit Lebensmitteln und anderen wichtigen Exportgütern zu schützen.”

It’s about “Grain from Ukraine” – Gipfel in Kiew – a humanitarian program, das Selenskyj 2022 in Leben gerufen hatte.

There are programs that are Ukraine’s role as a partner of the Weltgemeinschaft zu concrete and Russian propaganda, Ukraine and its Western partners must embark on the rise of nahrungsmittelkt propaganda.

“The implementation of Ukrainian capital transfer contracts is taking place without millions of people opposing it. Neither man can die, but also man is aware of it. The environment The world is angry, and if man ignores it, he wants to die.” “ “This is not the problem that arises today and there is a global problem and a global response,” said Austrian Czech Minister Jan Lipavský.

Die Kornkammer Europas

Ukraine, originating from the Kornkammer Europas, is a globalist tiger which exports itself for the Russian invasion by settling several million tons of Getreide for Monat in its Schwarzmeerhäfen.

In Russia, in February 2022, a blocked economy and the port of Black Lakes and the export of exports took place, which gave rise to a global environmental crisis.

Doch im July 2022 wurden die Getreidelieferungen im Rahmen der Schwarzmeer-Getreide-Initiative, one of the national bodies and government bodies of Turkey, which are aufgenommen.

This erfolg war jedoch nur von kurzer Dauer, da Russland un an annu später aus dem Pakt ausstieg et behauptete, the Bestimmungen des Abkommens, die seine eigenen Getreide- und Düngemittelausfuhren abdecken, nicht eingehalten würden.

They export Ukraine to Getreide in their own areas, in July 2023 in a research corridor.

This happened across the territorial waters of Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania. Doch die Schäden an der Hafeninfrastruktur infolge der anhaltenden Angriffe in der Schwarzmeerregion haben Zweifel daran fkommen lassen, wie efficiente de Ukraine ihr Getreide transportieren kann.

Russia wrote: Angriffe auf zivile Infrastruktur in der Ukraine durchgeführt zu haben.

“Ukraine is in power and the best world in the world, like the Putin regime, like the total Stalinist regime, the Ukrainian Getreide for the whole world. Putin has the war with a hunger, not a war, a world world. ” Nahrungsmittelkrise und eine Hungersnot herbeizuführen,” declared Austrian Minister Andrij Sybiha.

The Austrian War Minister Vertreter, the staff and the board of directors of the conference, but also other services during the video conference.


US President Alar Karis said Russia’s aggressive war was also a war against millions of others around the world who could not escape.

The President of the Swiss Bundesverband, Viola Amherst, said that the Getreide initiative was an initiative for the strongest solidarity of Ukraine.

Date of Händlern and the Ukrainian Regierung Zeigen jedoch, as sich die Getreideexporte of the Ukraine in the Season 2024/2025 bisher auf über über 16 Millionen Tonnes believeden, gegenüber 12 Millionen Tonnes in gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres.