
Get Millie Black on HBO

Get Millie Black on HBO

The series “Get Millie Black” debuted yesterday on HBO. Millie ended up in Jamaica, a place where she got lost, and she remained on a network aus intriguen et Gefahren.

On Monday, November 25, the series will be broadcast Get Millie Black their world premiere HBO. December 3 at 8:15 p.m. Pay TV sender time Atlantic Sky The German premiere of the British series is angekündigt. Acht Folgen wurden davon in der Debutstaffel product. The serial format is normally available via Sky Go, Sky Q and WOW zum Abruf bereitstehen. Here you can find the trailer for “Get Millie Black”.

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This Man Must Watch the HBO Series ‘Get Millie Black’

The series „Get Millie Black” erzählt die Geschichte der beeindruckenden Millie-Jean Black. Millie lived her difficult life in London with her wife Wurzeln, for the Jamaican police, who was the victim of many people to bear. Dabei is no longer the Spur einer Suchung auf, die in the stickigen Straßen der Innenstadt von Kingston et sich bis zu the Bergplantagen of the postcolonial elite vorarbeitet. Les Ereignisse überschlagen sich ließlich auf der internationalen Bühne et triben Millie zurück en Grossbritannien, wo schon bald jeder allusion Millie Black her ist…

Zum Together There are also the following characters: Tamara Lawrance (Millie-Jean Black), Joe Dempsie (Luke Holborn), Gershwyn Eustache Jnr (Curtis), Chyna McQueen (Hibiscus), Nestor Aaron Absera (Corsica) and Anjli Mohindra (Meera). Management led Tanya Hamilton and the Drehbuch Lieferte Marlon James.