
Nfon: Alexander Wettjen is the group’s new vice-president of sales

Nfon: Alexander Wettjen is the group’s new vice-president of sales

During the training of Merano Mettbach, Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) at Nfon, in October, we announced Schlüssel’s position at Münchner Cloud-PBX-Anbieter without prior notice. The interim is CEO and CFO die Verantwortung für den Vertrieb übernommen.

Ab dem 1. December übernimmt nonne Alexander Wettjen als VP Group Sales die Leitung des Vertriebs et des Field Marketings der Gruppe. And as a Vorgänger, he is the vice president and does not have the C level. “My C level strategy is designed,” said CEO Patrik Heider in a press release. We also report to Telefónica as Head of Direct Sales and to Sixt as Senior Director of International Sales. In Germany, I have appointed Jennifer Fritsch as Head of Alliance Partner Management and Head of Sales.

If the duo is aware of this, you should contact them directly and indirectly, and then they will change their hands, and they will intensify. In Germany, the reseller must participate in a new partnership program, the Vertrieb von Nfon et la Tochter DTS vereint. Dies soll engem Austausch mit den bestehenden Partnern entwickelt werden. The Zeitplan is an independent place, the first Ergebnisse möchte Fritsch im Frühjahr is presented.

At the time of the partnership, on November 19 in Munich, the company Nfon-Management had a problem with the technology. Letzteres habe zu mehreren Ausfällen geführt, was bei Partnern und Kunden zu Unruhe geführt habe. Mittlerweile, as well as CTO Andreas Wesselmann, seien gros Teile der Technik for more information on the Wachstum gerüstet under the light, the system is more stable.

Aljoscha Niazi-Shahabi, Geschäftsführer von Botario and Anja Richter, VP AI bei Nfon

Quelle: Nfon

Another discussion point on the partnership is the war with the theme of artistic intelligence: Nfon a im vergangenen Sommer das Bremer KI-Start-up Botario, das Chat- und Voice-Bots für Unternehmen anbietet. The items are stored under other Krankenkassen and Versicherungen. Nonne sollen Botarios Lösungen also in Cloudya, der Nfon-PBX, integrated werden. An elaborate road map is intended to be tackled that night, with the whole man associated with ausgewählten partners.