
The ‘Catholics for Harris’ Opinion: Americans and Democrats Have a ‘New Gott Problem’

The ‘Catholics for Harris’ Opinion: Americans and Democrats Have a ‘New Gott Problem’

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A Democratic Party, where the Katholiken put 56 to 41 Prozent found itself in the large territory of Landes with the same Zukunft, by Christopher Hale.

Washington DC (
An article for the education of Kamala Harris by the President of the 2024 presidency during his new creation of the Bereitschaft, at the Catholic Wähler einzugehen, wrote Christopher Hale, who led the “Catholics for Harris” in a commentary published in the magazine. News week.

The Democratic Party had “a problem with Gott”, according to Hale, Gefühl’s religious lives gave him the opportunity to sort out priorities and program the Partnership on this subject. During these years, the Secular Party and progressive values ​​dubbed and often encouraged religions to express themselves. This verschiebung has been geführt, the old Wähler religious den Eindruck ​​haven, ihre Überzeugungen würden nicht nur nicht vertreten, sondern aktiv abgelehnt.

Harris’ Entscheidung, nicht am Al Smith Dinner de l’Erzdiözese New York teilzunehmen, sei un ihrer schwersten Fehler gewesen, schreibt Hale. You have the option of using the Eindruck, so the religious Wählers are of no interest to you. The operating agency is intended for a gelégenheit company, its operating company, a single common basis, itself, on the umstrittensten themes to find. Harris’ Absage is looking for a development project, a Wähler group which should be ignored.

The 52 million Catholics acquired in the United States reached 20 percent of the developments. Sind damit eine entscheidende Wählergruppe.

The Catholics are in a Wähler group, the progressive Sowohl and the conservative Wähler. There is often a United States of America in federal states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, which creates “Swing States” which are solutions for the state of Pennsylvania. Donald Trump has this dynamic with Gunsten ausgenutzt schreibt Hale.

Trump has been the Republican of the Wahlkampf camp as a vertebrist of the freedom of religions and traditions that have been positioned and the Catholic Wähler approach the way the Democrat is in place.

The Democratic Party has the Catholic Wähler to earn their living, when they are frozen, their priorities and their Sorgen ernst zu nehmen. For presidents who win, it’s a candidate who has the greatest chance of winning for them. A Democratic Party, where the Katholiken put 56 to 41 Prozent verliere habe in großen Teilen des Landes keine Zukunft, schreibt Hale abschließend.

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