
VFX Forum Berlin 2024: Innovation, Kunst and Netzwerken

VFX Forum Berlin 2024: Innovation, Kunst and Netzwerken

The world of visual effects (VFX) has over the years provided technical experience for its own art form, modern cinema, television and the gaming industry are offered. The VFX Forum Berlin brings extensive industry insight, innovative technologies and extensive discussions to the creation of VFX.

With an in-depth learning program, simple technical overview as well as creative inspiration, there is a forum on a research point for professionals, students and enthusiasts. Social guest Victor Pérez, A master of the visual effects. The Spaniard became the stage manager, producer, author of the book and for all the most experienced artists in the field of visual effects (VFX) with a unique name. With a background and scenes and an interest in animation and computing, Pérez in the world of visual effects worked hard to create experiences. Breast Kurzfilm ECHO (2017) defines a new model of motion control technology and a new concept for innovative solutions. Zudem arbeitete Pérez and one of the greatest cinematographic productions of the letzten Jahre, saying: “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012) – Leitung der Digitalen Komposition für epische Action-Sequenzen, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” (2016) – Support for themes from the world of photography and “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” (2010). This war is for all the masterful effects that are available to the fantasy world for work. You will not be able to use these projects until the NUKE-Trainer is available and we will host Masterclasses. This is an experienced expert, technical perfection and artistic vision. As a mentor and member of the Visual Effects Society, Pérez participates in the intense event among the next generation of VFX artists who inspire him.

Highlights of the Tagus:

1:00 p.m. – Photorealism in compositing: science, technology and art

With Victor Péreza leading composition artist began the program with a benchmark masterclass. Perez erklärt, such as the principles of photography and the colors of the integration of CGI and Live-Action revolutions. Mit Beispielen aus seiner Arbeit zeigt er, wie photorealistische VFX un filmische Erzählung verstärken können.

2:00 p.m. – AI-driven visual effects detection pipeline

Kay Delventhal presented, as the artistic intelligence of the revolutionary VFX production workshop. The Pipeline analyzes multiple models of GPT models and NLP technologies, effective VFX-intensive images for identification and category.

3:00 p.m. – The visual effects of “Naples – New York”: neorealism in VFX (World Premiere)

In this main speech Victor Pérez Hinter die Kulissen seines neuen Films Naples – New York. Die Zuschauer erfahren, wie photorealistische CGI historische Städte wieder zum Leben erweckt et glichzeitig die surrealen Visionen von Regie-Ikonen wie Fellini ehrt.

4:00 p.m. – Visual Effects Society (VES) panel

This VES panel Bringt Branchenführer wie Kay Delventhal (VFX supervisor) And Markus Frank (managing director, pFX)zusammen, um current Herausforderungen et Chancen in der VFX-Welt zu diskutieren.

5:00 p.m. – Quo Vadis – GenAI? Risks and rewards of using GenAI

Timor KardoumChief Creative Technologist at MAGIG Design, reflected on the revolutionary Rolle von Generativer KI in the Film- and Animations branch. The presentation reflects the chances and risks, GenAI for creation and the studios with that.

6:00 p.m. – Extending the traditional linear CG pipeline with real-time

Sarah BatistaR&D developer at Platige Image, demonstrated his traditional work on traditional economic drivers in CGI production. The Session features innovations in films, films and broadcasts.

7:00 p.m. – After Hours Networking VFX Forum

This Networking event I am ACHT Berlin It’s the perfect Abschluss of the Tages. In addition to Atmospheric Technology, Technology and Technology are available. For drinks, snacks and live DJ sets you can find Gelegenheit, we invite you to contact us.

Tickets and additional information: