
One million spectators at Spitze see the Zweitliga-Kracher Hamburg against Schalke live on SPORT1

One million spectators at Spitze see the Zweitliga-Kracher Hamburg against Schalke live on SPORT1

  • 786,000 Zuschauer (Z3+) in the Schnitt played on Saturday 2:2 between Hamburger SV and Schalke 04 live on Free-TV
  • Registration in the Zielgruppe E14-49 group: With 5.7 points of sale, SPORT1 will have a new best response from 14 to 49 years old


Ismaning, November 25, 2024 – The brilliant duel of traditions between Hamburger SV and Schalke 04 arrives with a greater number of publications: 1.07 million dollars (Z3+) in the Spitze Waren am Samstagabend live on SPORT1 #mittendrin, and HSV is 2:2 to Schalke die Punkte trotz 2:0-Führung teilen muste. Saisonbestwert: Im Schnitt saßen 786,000 Zuschauer (Z3+) vor den Bildschirmen – bei un starken Marktanteil von 3.3 Prozent. Darüber hinaus erzielte die Liveübertragung aus dem Volksparkstadion à Hamburg a new record in the Zielgruppe der 14-bis 49-jährigen Erwachsenen (E14-49) avec 270,000 Zuschauern im Schnitt bzw. 5.7 Prozent Marktanteil. There is a 6.9 percent market in the 14 to 49 year old male group (M14-49) and 6.3 percent in the 14 to 59 year old male group (M14- 59). You can switch to digital broadcasts of Livestreams on the Internet. and in SPORT1 applications to more than 100,000 Abrufe. For SPORT1 moderierte Katharina Kleinfeldt in Hamburg, Markus Höhner commented and ex-HSV professional Martin Harnik in the Einsatz.


Top game of the season: SV Darmstadt 98 against Preußen Münster

We are now in the 2nd Bundesliga Saturday live at 7:30 p.m. on SPORT1when to abstain SV Darmstadt gegen Aufsteiger Preußen Münster Antritt, this season is a classy season. An der Seitenlinie stehen Moderatorin Ruth Hofmann and expert Dirk Schusterformer Darmstädter coach. Olivier Forster begleitet die Part am Mikrofon.

Thus, SPORT1 will be presented during the Topspiel of the 2. Bundesliga on Free-TV

Germany offers a multi-channel sports platform and also participates in the top competition of the 2nd Bundesliga. Regelsendeplatz am Samstag live. This is the Topspiel of the Frauen-Bundesliga in Montagabend, the events of SPORT1 will take place as a single Livespiel in Germany at the Top-Ligen im Free TV I am sowie Live broadcast auf and den SPORT1 apps. Moderator Katharina Kleinfeldt beziehungsweise Ruth Hofmann presents the Liveübertragungen of the 2. Bundesliga with greater expertise and Leidenschaft. Comments are also present Oliver Forster, Markus Höhner And Jochen Stutzky I am Einsatz. Darüber Hinaus Greift SPORT1 for live matches on a race high quality experts zurück, darunter Martin HarnikEx-Profi of Hamburger SV, Ex-Bundesliga coach Peter Neurerthe master of the world 1990 Olaf Thon And Maik Franzua Ex-Profi in Magdeburg, Karlsruhe, Berlin and Frankfurt.

Highlights of the 2. Bundesliga on free TV and on the SPORT1 digital platform

SPORT1 offers a top match on free TV in an umfangreiche highlight match for the 2nd Bundesliga: the highlights of the Freitag and Samstag matches take place at noon at 07:00. “Pure Bundesliga – 1. and 2. Bundesliga” zu see. Discover fans on SPORT1 digital channels and gaming jewelry ab Monday, 0:00 a.m., on demand all the highlights in video clips erleben. The highlight videos are available to fans until the end of the season in April for free streaming.

Quellen: AGF Videoforschung in Zusammenarbeit mit GfK; VIDEOSCOPE 1.5, market standard: Bewegtbild, SPORT1 Medienforschung; Video views SPORT1 Plattformen inkl. Live broadcast: AT Internet; Social Reporting (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube), Stand: November 25, 2024


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