
Never underestimate Chinese people, says former Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong

Never underestimate Chinese people, says former Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong

Former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loongwarned that it would be “short-sighted” to neglect China, citing its ability to pursue consistent, long-term policies and the determination of its people to succeed.

He said the world’s second-largest economy was facing different challenges after nearly five decades of rapid growth following its reform and opening-up process, including a real estate crisis and a shrinking population, as well as growing tensions with states. -United.

But Lee, who is now chief ministersaid Monday at a trade event in Suzhou that it would be “unwise” to write off China, according to Singaporean broadcaster CNA.

“China’s development is an undertaking that will take 100 years. It has shown that it can adopt a strategic perspective to maintain consistent policies and direction over the long term, overcoming the transient ups and downs of its development journey,” he said.

In particular, he said the country’s economy had “considerable capacity” to grow given the untapped potential of its workforce and the higher productivity of an increasingly urbanized population.

“We must never underestimate the determination of the Chinese people for their nation to succeed and stand out in the world. It is a driving ambition. Its impact cannot be taken into account in economic statistics, but it will make all the difference,” he said.