
Actelis proposes new management of DDOT for the modernization of technology

Actelis proposes new management of DDOT for the modernization of technology

WASHINGTON, DC – Actelis Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: ASNS), a specialist in IoT networking solutions, is the service specialist for the Washington DC Department of Transportation (DDOT). This project was launched as part of a US$2.3 million project by May 2024, aimed at modernizing the state’s network infrastructure for cash flow management and security. business.

Working with MC Dean, an experienced integrator for DDOT, Actelis has its own cybersecurity expertise and has also implemented network solutions to solve a major problem in one of the oldest United States. The current situation in Washington, DC is due to a very difficult situation for Pendler and the tourists who care for him.

Tuvia Barlev, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Actelis, has implemented the most robust network management systems for an efficient management system. Actelis technology is DDOT, fortechrittliche Lösungen wie optimierte Ampelschaltungen et modern Verkehrskameras einzuführen, wodurch die Verkehrssteuerungsfähigkeiten der Stadt deutlich verbessert wurden.

A wise choice of Actelis hybrid fiber network installation allows you to make the laser welding process the best way of cabling. Dies erspart Städten kostspielige und störende Neuverkabelungen. Barlev hob hervor, Washington, DC, is the agency for other city clients, with modern, efficient infrastructure infrastructure and better street management.

Die Losungen des Unternehmen sind darauf ausgelegt, veraltete Kupfer- orere Niedrigbandbreiten-Verkabelungen in leistungsfähige Infrastrukturen umzuwandeln, die anspruchsvolle Anwendungen unterstützen. This answer is also free for municipal services and is consistent with current knowledge for complete operating systems.

Actelis Networks, Inc. is positioned as a market provider for providers of hybrid fiber, cyber networks in industries such as recording, ITS, military, rail infrastructure, telecommunications and campus. Businesses have the right to strive for network strengthening and resilience through the Cyber ​​Aware Networking initiative, which relies on cyber monitoring and protection for Edge users.

This article presents information based on a press release from Actelis Networks, Inc.

In many cases, you can contact Actelis Networks for strong information. Das Unternehmen sicherte sich kürzlich einen Folgeauftrag von einer large German community and erweiterte damit seine Präsenz im Markt for intelligent Verkehrssysteme. The Actelis Aufträge vom US-Verteidigungsministerium und einem bedeutenden Italianischen Autobahnbetreiber, was the wachsende Vertrauen in ihre Technologie unterstreicht.

The financier Ebene obtained the Actelis Series A-2 option plan for an amount of 999,670 dollars, which generated 2.25 million US dollars and the price of investors and the Nasdaq is over. In the context of technology, Actelis seine Cybersicherheitsangebote erweitert und KI-gesteuertes SaaS-Produkt als seiner “Cyber ​​​​Aware Networking”-Initiative entwickelt, the Echtzeit-Bedrohungserkennung and -schutz für IoT-Netzwerke bietet.

The development of a list of terms for a potential Quality Industrial Corp company, defined by Actelis Networks as part of the expansion of the intelligent operating system and management sector, was the ultimate commitment for the development sustainability and innovation.

InvestingPro Erkenntnisse

Young business advisors from Actelis Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: ASNS) at the Washington, DC Department of Transportation meet with interested investors and potential investors and InvestingPro advisors.

Laut InvestingPro-Daten verzeichnete Actelis a beeindruckendes Umsatzwachstum von 200.71% im Quartalsvergleich zum dritten Quarter 2024. Dies korreliert mit den jüngsten Erfolgen des Unternehmen bei der Sicherung neuer Aufträge und der Weiterung seiner Präsenz im Marché de infrastructures de smart cities.

This is something that goes to the beach, because employers trot out these unprofitable Wachstums derzeit. An InvestingPro-Tipp allows us to affirm that Actelis in Letzten zwölf Monaten does not have a profitable war, with an operating margin of -51.08% for a dense geographical area.

Another relevant topic is InvestingPro-Tipp, because investor activities are volatile. This volatility is part of the broader transition phases: the stock in the last months has a significant response to 122.02%, but within three months there is a return to 23.9%.

For investors, an in-depth analysis of these elements, bietet InvestPro 8 useful tips for Actelis Networks, a global approach to the financial economy and the commercial position of companies.

This Übersetzung wurde mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz erstellt. Please note that further information is required to provide additional information.