
Bisher 45 Lebanese soldiers battling Israeli soldiers, Young World Day, 11/26/2024

Bisher 45 Lebanese soldiers battling Israeli soldiers, Young World Day, 11/26/2024


Soldiers of the Lebanese Armed Forces in the South of Lebanon (Beirut, 21.10.2024)

Beirut. Israeli soldiers of the Lebanese army received words from the 45 soldiers of the Lebanese army from the UN. Das berichtete die UN-Beobachtermission Unifil im Libanon unter Berufung auf Regierungsangaben. The Lebanese Army is part of the Zwischen Military Auseinandersetzung of Hisbollah and the Israeli army which is active in the Kriegspartei. The United Nations-Beobachter verurteilten die wiederholten Angriffe auf lebanese Soldiers charf. Solche Angriffe found an “eklatanten Verstoß gegen die Resolution 1701 et gegen das humanitarian Völkerrecht” dar, erklärte Unifil. The role of the Lebanese bill is part of resolution 1701.

Action in favor of a war between Hisbollah and Israel sees the full adoption of the resolution, at the end of the 2006 civil war. zurückzieht. (dpa/jW)