
Marketing: Saas-Fee feiert “Last Christmas”-Jubiläum

Marketing: Saas-Fee feiert “Last Christmas”-Jubiläum

40 years ago, the Popgruppe Wham! in the Swiss ski area. A Trumpf for big tourists.

Runde Zahl in Saas-Fee: The Swiss ski resort of Saas-Fee hosted the 40th anniversary of the British pop group Wham!’s “Last Christmas” music videos from 1984.

Passend dazu können Gäste dort in dieser Wintersaison an verschiedenen Veranstaltungen teilnehmen, die an die 1980er-Jahre erinnern. The organized activity includes a “Last Christmas Glass Karaoke Box” in the Dorfeingang, a Wham!-Ausstellung in the Saas Museum and a “Wham!Walks” in the dream of music videos.
Fahrten mit der Felskinn-Seilbahn, die im Video zu sehen war, werden im Stil der Zeit zu erleben sein – nebst Passender Decoration. On December 21, we will be happy to participate in a Wham!-Party. We will be present at Wintervibes Bar on November 9 après-ski with a live DJ.

Cocktail, walk and wine

The Hotellerie des 1600-Einwohner-Ortes mit rund 100 Pistekilometern hält mit. So welcome to 5-Sterne-Boutique-Hotel The Capra and a special package for a Jubiläum year. This is a triple trip for two people, a Wham!-Cocktail, seafood dishes, an English Wunsch and a Wham!Walk. We are in the Weinkeller of nostalgic Hotels Abende mit einer alpine Interpretation classic 1980er-Jahre-Gerichte veranstaltet. The package is from December 1 to January 31 for the journey 1200 Schweizer Franken buchbar.

Bang! In 1981, War became a British pop group, led by George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley. Twice a week, in 1982 and in the summer of 1986, the duo became Top-10 hits in Britain, out of the blue. Insgesamt verkauften Wham! more than 25 million tonnes. The titles include Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go and Last Christmas. Singer George Michael debuted on weekend 2016 from 53 years old.