
Real Madrid: Superstar nur Außenseiter? Bellingham ignores Mbappé | Soccer

Real Madrid: Superstar nur Außenseiter? Bellingham ignores Mbappé | Soccer

Die Sorgen um Real-Superstar Kylian Mbappé (25 years old) has become the greatest!

The François has found a point of connection which is not the only one to be named by the French Nationalmannschaft. Zudem wird gegen Mbappé wegen des Verdachts der Gewaltigung et der sexual Belästigung hermittelt. Also of the following Rechtsstreit mit Ex-Klub Paris Saint-Germain we have also taken into account the terms we have received at Mbappés Nerven. Zuletzt schrieben enfranzösische Medien, Mbappé an psychischen Problemen leide et „emotional am Boden zerstört“ sei.

For listening, I’ll take a look at a television channel, which is always there, like Mbappé at Real Madrid who is the best.

In an event in Katakomben, where the Champions League matches take place FCLiverpool This is Franzose von seinen Mitspielern who was ignored by ex-BVB star Jude Bellingham (21). Mbappé will be with his Teamkollegen in the Gespräch kommen, which will allow Franzosen to play in the Blicks and do so with other mitspielers. Mbappé lehnt sich daraufhin an die Wand, wirkt ernüchtert.

This is what is happening, as well as Mbappé inside the Mannschaft isolated and who now has a grip in the team. The background of the situation does not occur, but the scene is auf – and is aimed at the fans’ attention. Auch die “X” -Nutzer fell into a vernichtendes state.

A Barça naher account, of the broadcast video, commented: “You are at the head of Mbappé and your team who are at your disposal, as is the case with a football player”. And there is a background: “Bellingham demütigt ihn”.

This star found from Inhalte on Twitter

Using Twitter and other social networks to interact with these people, you will need to use them.

The “Königlichen” played the Champions League match against Liverpool with 0:2.

Mbappé found himself with Können abermals kaum zeigen and the victory of the Liverpool-Verteidiger Virgil van Dijk (33) for a full 90 minutes under control.

When this was not the case, Mbappé found himself in the 61st minute with an Elfmeter. Für den Franzosen läuft actuell einfach alles schief, was schieflaufen kann. Bleibt nur zu hoffen, the Offensive-Star die Kurve kriegt et wieder zu alterke zurückfinden cann.