
Lucky numbers from December 1 to December 7: Your weekly lucky number revealed

Lucky numbers from December 1 to December 7: Your weekly lucky number revealed

Lucky numbers from December 1 to December 7: Your weekly lucky number revealed
Recognizing cosmic signs and using lucky numbers selected based on date of birth can improve personal luck and success. These numbers, studied by NumroVani, can be incorporated into daily life in a variety of ways, such as writing on the palm, creating talismans, or chanting to align your energy with the universe.

The simplest way to anticipate and succeed in all spheres of life is to recognize and act according to the signs of the cosmos. Aligning yourself with these signals can allow you to seize opportunities and maintain harmony in life.

How are these lucky numbers organized?

The lucky numbers come from exclusive research conducted by NumberVanitaking into account an individual’s date of birth and name. These numbers are intended to improve personal luck on specified days.

Lucky numbers for each date

Number 1

For people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month

  • December 1: 11
  • December 2:33
  • December 3:22
  • December 4: 24
  • December 5: 19
  • December 6:28
  • December 7:22

Number 2

For people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th of any month

  • December 1:22
  • December 2: 24
  • December 3:23
  • December 4: 15
  • December 5:21
  • December 6: 11
  • December 7:7

Number 3

For people born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month

  • December 1:33
  • December 2:32
  • December 3:23
  • December 4: 24
  • December 5: 11
  • December 6: 11
  • December 7: 19

Number 4

For people born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of any month

  • December 1:33
  • December 2: 11
  • December 3:23
  • December 4:21
  • December 5: 24
  • December 6: 11
  • December 7: 19

Number 5

For people born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month

  • December 1: 15
  • December 2: 14
  • December 3:22
  • December 4: 11
  • December 5:33
  • December 6: 11
  • December 7: 19

Number 6

For people born on the 6th, 15th or 24th of any month

  • December 1: 24
  • December 2: 24
  • December 3:33
  • December 4:32
  • December 5:33
  • December 6: 11
  • December 7: 15

Number 7

For people born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month

  • December 1: 11
  • December 2:32
  • December 3:33
  • December 4:22
  • December 5: 24
  • December 6:21
  • December 7:22

Number 8

For people born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month

  • December 1:23
  • December 2: 24
  • December 3:33
  • December 4:32
  • December 5:42
  • December 6:21
  • December 7: 11

Number 9

For people born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month

  • December 1:32
  • December 2:33
  • December 3:5
  • December 4:9
  • December 5: 11
  • December 6: 19
  • December 7: 19

How to use these numbers?

These numbers represent cosmic guidance and are tools for aligning your energy with the universe. Here are ways to incorporate them into your daily life:

  1. Write on your palm
    • Using a pink or orange pen, write the lucky number on the left palm, just below the thumb.
  2. Create a digital talisman
    • Draw a circle on paper, write a triangle inside the circle and write your full date of birth and the lucky number in the triangle. Take this paper with you.
  3. Improve water energy
    • Attach the paper talisman to a bottle of water and drink from it throughout the day.
  4. Digital Wallpaper
    • Use an image of the talisman as your mobile or desktop wallpaper.
  5. Sing the numbers
    • Chant your lucky number repeatedly to adapt your energy to its vibration.

Article by Sidhharrth S Kumaar
Registered Pharmacist, Astro Numerologist, Life and Relationship Coach, Vaastu Expert, Energy Healer, Music Therapist and Founder of NumroVani.