
the perfect wine for all types

the perfect wine for all types

Wein schenken leicht gemacht

Wein schenken leicht gemachtimage: getty images


Wein ist ein beliebtes Geschenk, doch den Geschmack der Beschenkten zu treffen gar nicht so einfach. With these tips and your insider tips, you’ll find your personal hobby type.

02.12.2024, 00:0011/28/2024, 3:36 p.m.

For artwork and works of art

Dave Phinney is golden as a wahrer artist in the color palette. Seine zweite Leidenschaft, die Kunst, lebt er beim Design der Etiketten aus. The bottle of the Falling Blue creation from the state of South Franconia features a collage. This technology, thanks to the purchase of a paper element and new know-how, is the passion of a creative spirit, of the family of an experienced artist.

For Star Wars fans

Mit seinen Filmen is George Lucas who goes further into the time of legends. Abseits von Hollywood zählt Wein zu den grossen Leidenschaften des visionaires Regisseurs et Producers. George Lucas’s friend, Francis Ford Coppola, revealed himself in the field of wine business, warring for his inspiration and evolution, so much so that his trauma occurred. So Lucas auf der Skywalker Ranch, in his private life, the Skywalker Vineyards in Leben gerufen.

For bad boys and girls

Robert Parker plays in Jean-Luc Thunevin in the role of the black Schaf and in the role of the Bad Boy of the Bordelais. After Thunevin’s wine production in Bordeaux, it is produced and produced in the South of France. Bad Boy Gold is best for hot and fruity South Franconian wines, such as Classe des Bordelais. Das Schild zur Garage auf der Etikette verweist auf Thunevins erste Versuche als Winzer, die er zu Hause unternahm.

For all ring fans and music friends

The Mittelburgenland is made up of several regions and a rotten wine with the great mordors auf: Erich Scheiblhofer zaubert a monumental wine man, labor in the entire bank, the kraftvolle, dichte, konzentrierte Weine lieben. While Rüstzeug erhielt der Mordor un zwölfmonatigen Ausbau in new French Barriques.

For the No-Buzz-Crew

The non-alcoholic Spritz-Alternative contains a burst of bitter sugar oranges, complex typical Rhabarber notes, fine nuances combined with frischen citrus aromas, characteristic bitterness and a light pfeffrigem Abgang. Die Susse Zutat für den perfect Spritz!

For astronomers and amateur astronomers

The Jupiter Halos project was realized with the Ziel in Leben gerufen, the Weinvielfalt and the increased potential of the Rhonetals sud aufmerksamkeit zu verschaffen. In Zusammenarbeit mit einigen befreundeten Kollegen setzt Michel Gassier, this idea lives on Jahren mit grossem Elan in die Tat um. It includes the ausdrucksstarken Weinen von Halos de Jupiter die einzigartige Persönlichkeit der Bsorte Grenache broader, the tradition in the best terroirs of South Franconia is cultural. The label is also included in the Sternbild on the cover.

For everyone, Luxus and Glanz lieben

The modern wine labels of Winzer Dennis Darriet appeared in the first Karriere as Goldschmied. The golden details are presented in the bottles with an elegant note and a wonderful gift for men, aesthetic and exclusive service.

For Neugiérige: Weingenuss im Abo

Das Mövenpick Weinabo is the perfect service for drinks and beverages. Wähle aus trois verschiedenen Abos et die beschenkte Person erhält ein Jahr long alle trois Monate un Überraschungspaket.

In the Mövenpick online store you can buy wine with complete packaging, with a card and personal information, directly from the person concerned.