
Independent Munich hotel trade fair in cooperation with HotelPartner

Independent Munich hotel trade fair in cooperation with HotelPartner

Mit praxisnahen Vorträgen und zukunftsweisenden Themes supports the Anbieter von Revenue Management-Lösungen during the first edition of the Fachmesse. The package is approximately 2,000 times over.

Design, architecture and lifestyle – The independent hotel fair in Munich was created for a trade fair, the offices in London, Amsterdam and Miami were created in the Messe format within the German culture space. HotelPartner Revenue Management is the supplier of the Montgomery Group of Beginn an. Neben über 140 Ausstellern gab es zahlreiche Vorträge et Podiumsdiskussionen zu actual Herausforderungen speziell in der unabhängigen bzw. Geführten private hotels.



The Independent Hotel Show in Munich offers a unique platform for data transfer and internal industry networking. The main partner of the company is HotelPartner Revenue Management in design offices and podium files in other aspects, such as design and innovation. The focus is on the potential of artificial intelligence for process optimization and improvement of hosting services, a strategy for timely revenue management to maximize usage and innovative communications within the hosting process. reservation with ReGuest for setting up the customer connection. Erfolg im Vertrieb.

“Our hoteliers do not have access to best-in-class solutions, so they must strive to put in place strategies and financing strategies that will allow them to realize their own projects,” explains Sascha Dalig, Managing Director Germany at HotelPartner Revenue Management.

Mieke Berkers, Director of European Business Development at the Montgomery Group, said: “With a high-quality seminar program, we have an overview of Ruf with a unique management facility, which provides unabhängiger hoteliers with accommodation, we have a manager and a set of clients. Erlebnis geboten, dass nachhaltig in Erinnerung bleiben wird. A golden Dank allen Partnern, die uns chon im ersten Jahr des Events ihr Vertrauen geschenkt et uns damit massgeblich understützt haben.“

The Vortrags umfangreiche program was created thanks to numerous podium records and only one award was given. Zahlreiche et namhafte Persönlichkeiten aus der Branche teilten ihre Erfahrungen aus der Praxis mit den Besuchern et tauschten sich vort untereinander aus. This is the name of the hotelier Horst Schulze, who is also the guest of the Ritz-Carlton-Hotels by Dr. Caroline von Kretschmann, Haberin des Grandhotels Europäischer Hof. The company supports the organizations established by HSMA Deutschland eV: “The independent hotel trade fair has a well-established hinge start. This is a war between a Freude and a Branchenverband gemeinsam mit Partnern, Mitgliedern et Freunden einen Beitrag dazu zu leisten. “Nach wie vor glauben wir daran, the Events the Art that wichtig sind, um das Netzwerken untereinander zu fördern, was neben fachlichen Beiträgen, auch einen erheblichen Teil zur Weiterbildung innerhalb der Branche beiträgt,” declared Anna Heuer, Verbandsgeschäftsführerin der HSMA Deutschland eV

With the active support of the Independent Hotel Show Munich, HotelPartner Revenue Management will contribute to the management of the hotel-community revenue in the organization of activities and best services to organize the event in the DACH region and create branches. The Independent Hotel Show in Munich is a real business venture for the independent luxury and boutique hotel industry. Inspiring and practical seminars strive to strengthen industry connections and extensive learning opportunities, with hoteliers in this sector being very knowledgeable about the sector.

HotelPartner Revenue Management’s cooperation operations in Switzerland, with our offices in Vienna, Salzburg, Hamburg and London, include more than 500 hotels in Europe.

About HotelPartner Revenue Management:

HotelPartner is a European revenue management provider for the hotel industry based in Schindellegi, established in January 2006 in Switzerland. Entrepreneurs worked their first job in the hospitality industry implementing massive revenue management across a wide range of services. Dabei setzt HotelPartner Revenue Management auf an innovative project within a qualified team, bewährter Expertise sowie den Einsatz self-entwickelter et zukunftsweisender Technologie (TET-Synergie). Service providers take charge of facility and cost management operations – they must take care of the optimization, management and security of Kernwerten resources. Im Vordergrund steht die konsequente Auf der die individually Bedürfnisse der Hoteliers et un zukunftsorientierte Vertriebsstrategie für einen langfristigen Erfolg.
Today, HotelPartner Revenue Management integrates 70 experts and experts in hospitality, Revenue- & Yield Management, Content Management, Distribution, Technology and Entwicklung. The offices in Lausanne, Bern, Vienna, Salzburg, Hamburg and London have more than 500 partner hotels.

Picture: Revenue management for hotel partners

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