
EC VSV: Performer of the month for November

EC VSV: Performer of the month for November

This is the latest Zeit from the performer of the month for November.

VILLACH. But all VSV-Fans are broken: Welcher Eishockeycrack hat euch diesen Monat am meisten überzeugt? The association of DRAUSTÄDTER, Villacher Bier and Haas Werbetechnik was fortunate to have among them nominated VSV games which had an award for “performer of the month” for them.

Voting and Gewinnspiel-Teilnahme am End des Beitrags möglich

Tolle Gewinne

And the best of this action: Nicht nur der gewählte Performer erhält un von Haas Werbetechnik gestaltete Trophäe et un Karton Villacher Märzen mit eigenem Etikett. After voting, we all have 24 votes to vote on, but we still have to pay the price of the vote. Check out other VSV game tickets or merchandising items.


The “Performer of the Month” trophy will take place on December 14 at the VSV tournament. The winner of the fusion tournaments will be informed soon.


Free games are offered to the artist of the month of October for the fall:

Maximilien Rebernig

Philip Lindner

Nikita Scherbak

John Hughes

winning game

Please note that your vote must be taken into account when you vote. The Rechtsweg is ausgeschlossen. Keine Barablöse möglich.

Performer of the Gewinnspiel of the month of November


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