
Trump opposes fight against Notre-Dame in Paris

Trump opposes fight against Notre-Dame in Paris

The head of state of Donald Trump and the American president addressed the “Tropen-Trump” to come here from the Brazilian head of state. Jair Bolsonaro with a Rückkehr an die Spitze seines Landes. “Trump is a politician, and he is also a businessman,” the former politician told the 69th century “Wall Street Journal” (WSJ) in an interview with Donnerstag. Bolsonaro was the best Darin, the Brazilian president 2026 abermals candidieren zu wollen. His Zeit für “MAAGA”, also “Make All Americas Great Again” (Macht alle Amerikas wieder großartig), says the Rechtspopulist der Zeitung unter Anspielung auf Trumps Wahlkampffslogan “Make America Great Again”.

Laut dem WSJ setzt der rechtsradikale Bolsonaro darauf, un bis 2030 geltendes Amtsverbot umgehen zu können, undem Trump Druck auf die Brasilianische Justiz ausübt. Trump’s office did not respond to a question about the day the newspaper spoke about Bolsonaro and Trump during the US-Wahl announcement in November in its contact.

I am aware of the year that the Oberste Wahlgericht Bolsonaro comes from me and I am indifferent to the Wahlbetrugsvorwürfe until 2030 by all political states ausgeschlossen. Brazilian police were informed by the current president, in January 2022, of a putsch led by links led by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who surrendered to him. Bolsonaro also designed a universal plan for the reconstruction of Lulas. As Trump acts with Bolsonaro, there is a problem with the justification for political “takeover.”

During the war time from 2019 to 2022, Bolsonaro was adopted by the president for two years, as Lula was wider with the Mehrheit suit. In madness The Bolsonaro-Anhänger will take place on January 8, 2023 at the Presidential Palace, the Parliament and the Obersten Gerichtshof. If you are happy with the Belege, Bolsonaro sei der Wahlsieg gestohlen wordsen. Auch im Zusammenhang mit cesen Ereignissen wird gegen ihn hermittelt.

Weckten Vorfälle Talks about Trump fanatics will be announced at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. Damals also oversees Trump in his uninterrupted Wahlniederlage Betrugsvorwürfe erhoben et seine Unterstützer angelestachelt.