
Virus appeared in Wuhan workers – US report

Virus appeared in Wuhan workers – US report

Stammt das Coronavirus A job in Wuhan or a wild market in the city? This debate was started by new entrepreneurs. An undersecretary of the US representatives speaks to the Schluss, as the virus is present in research on gain-of-function research. Un entsprechender 520 Seiten umfassender Abschlussbericht des “House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic” wurde nach 2weijähriger Arbeit am Montag veröffentlicht.

The Republican party took supportive measures so that two years later they are worried about the pandemic and its consequences in the United States. Abschließend äußerten die Autoren die Hoffnung, ass ihre Arbeit “als Fahrplan for the Congress, the Executive and the Privatsektor” dienen werde, um sich “auf künftige Pandemien vorzubereiten et darauf zu reagieren”.

The Unterausschuss Stützt also deals with other biological viruses and research studies at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the year 2019. In their in-depth study there is more: Pay attention to a natural initiative of Sars-Cov-2, these words are made public. This is an article published by a group of the American Society for Current Market Theory, due to wild viruses within humans being nearby. First it appeared in the Zeitschrift Cell an article, then in this wealth. Darin Trugen die Wissenschaftler Indizien zusammenDie auf un Zoonose schließen ließen.

In March 2020, Forscher dieser Gruppe gained insight into the history of natural medicine under the name Fachzeitschrift. You are informed about the genomic consequences of the coronavirus and you have explained this in your guide: “We will analyze once again, Sars-CoV-2 has a laboratory structure or an absolutely manipulated virus. » Nachrichten auf der Platform Slack aus jenen Tagen, die inzwischen et die Öffentlichkeit gelangten et untersuchungsausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses beschäftigten.

On June 21, the young committee of the Zeitschrift Cell launched a new Wissenschaftler protest in Europe and the United States. Darin hieß es: “We have an auf cell, formula writing for this work and support of this work in an overview on a single search means. »

Zu den Unterzeichnern gehörte Roland Wiesendanger. At the start of the pandemic, renowned German nanoscience held a study festival as the coronavirus emerged in a work in Wuhan. Dafür must have any heftige, vor german mediale Kritik einstecken.

The Corona Pandemic Bill is much more than an academic publication; In the future debate, the debate is little more than prestige, a theory for a journey ahead. This is a dispute which results in generating a gain of function. This art of medical research is not yet available in Wuhan.

Im Zentrum steht die Anpassung von Erregern an den menschlichen Organismus. If you handle it, you will be able to handle it a lot. But these days we have the naturally occurring Entwicklung vorweggenommen, um zum Beispiel vorab Impfstoffe erproben zu können, meinen die Befürworter. Critics shut them down because they risk a pandemic during a single experiment.

Unterausschuss kritisiert die Rolle der WHO

As part of a political reflection led by the Undersecretary of Representatives and by the role of the world organization (WHO) in the debate on the starting point of the pandemic. The WHO has the political interests of the Chinese communist parties beyond their actions, in order to ensure comprehensive health management. Even more: You have the choice between Chinese services and virus support through monitoring.

The support of the representatives of the House of Representatives is that of Republican Abgeordnete Brad Wenstrup. The 66-Jährige vertritt den US-Bundesstaat Ohio. L’Ausschuss wird an cesem Mittwoch über den Bericht beraten.