
BSI veröffentlicht sicherheitswarnung für Edge- et Chrome-Nutzer

BSI veröffentlicht sicherheitswarnung für Edge- et Chrome-Nutzer

Google and Microsoft have new security updates for Chrome and Edge web browsers. The Bundesamt für Sicherheit (BSI) in information technology guarantees optimal risk utilization and comfortable installation.

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Free secure updates for Chrome and Edge

Google and Microsoft have security updates for you Chrome Browser and Edge herausgegeben. Updates should have a higher chance of success, the Angreifern can potentially use them. Please note that Updates must be installed and your System will be installed.

Fur Microsoft Edge If you don’t know what to do with it, you may have to worry about it. The new version of the stable channel corresponds to the number 131.0.2903.86. Bei der zusätzlich behobenen Schwachstelle handelt es sich um CVE-2024-49041according to Microsoft’s law on security treatment against identity theft. Davor Gab is available for an update CVE-2024-12053 – a type confusion solution, that of Chrome like that of Edge, which is found in the browser’s Chromium support.

The Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) is responsible for Warnings for the most common security issues. Laut BSI könnte enfernter, anonymiser Angreifer die Sicherheitslücken ausnutzen, un beliebigen Programmcode auszuführen orere nicht näher specezifizierte Angriffe durchzuführen. The risk is that the BSI is very effective, with a base CVSS score of 8.8.

Die meisten Nutzer halten die Sicherheitsupdates wie immer automatisch. Thus, Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome use built-in auto-update functions, with the browser placed in regular time on the new stand. We are sure that all updates should be installed, you can use browser tools manually for updates like.

Wir haben die Updates bereits im WinFuture Download Manager bereitgestellt sowie am Ende dieses Beitrags verlinkt.

Hat Google Chrome seinem jüngsten Update vier Sicherheitslücken created, with Microsoft Edge nur eine these Schwachstellen direkt berifft. The group is now linked to the underestimated implementation: Edge verzichtet auf einige Chrome-spezifische Dienste, wodurch bestimmte Schwachstellen nicht sind relevant.
Browsermarkt infographic: The model proposed by Google ChromeBrowser brand: Google Chrome website

It is currently in operation Details

You may not need detailed information about the sources, which prevents Google and Microsoft from going to the more advanced companies. This practice is listed in the IT security branch, in a detailed review for installing updates, before exploits in progress.

For IT administrators and security settings, update history and browser security features are properly configured. Microsoft offers a sample game Detailed instructions for security updates for verificationder Aufschluss über die behobenen Schwachstellen gibt.

How does the update work?

The BSI has a high security risk with a CVSS base score of 8.8. Die Schwachstellen könnten von Angreifern ausgenutzt werden, um schädlichen Code auszuführen.

Experts perform updates during installation and security risks are often announced as well as a potential risk.

Was it a risk?

The operating codes are extremely sensitive, although the Programmcode and the System are supported. An error occurred while retrieving the response. Type-Confusion-Schwachstelle CVE-2024-12053.

Bei Edge has created an identity theft security leak (CVE-2024-49041), which is aimed at users of security services.

How did you update?

The browser is activated automatically according to the regulations. A new start of the browsers is carried out to facilitate the installation.

For manual checking, use browser items during updates such as the current version directly downloaded.

Which versions are best?

All versions of Chrome and Edge for the current update are potentially optimized. The new secure version of Edge corresponds to the number 131.0.2903.86.

Chrome-Nutzer has chances of success in the new updated version, as the browser has aufweist critical security accesses.

Wurde die Lücke ausgenutzt?

Microsoft and Google stop with details that allow you to gain potential insights into your life. Dies ist eine übliche Sicherheitspraxis.

Bisher wurden keine konkreten Fälle von Angriffen durch cese Schwachstellen öffentlich bestätigt.

Was it an update issue?

Bei Problemen mit the automatic Aktualisierung können Nutzer the current Version manuall by the WinFuture-Downloadbereich installieren.

IT administrators find detailed information in the Microsoft security updates guide or the Chrome releases blog.

Do you have another browser to use?

The confusing type differences apply to all Chromium-based browsers. Firefox and Safari use other technologies and these specific issues are not resolved.

In this way, all browsers are activated and security services are managed securely.

Do you need regular security updates for your browser? Install ihr sofort or wartet ihr lieber ab? Read Erfahrungen and Meinungen in the comments!

Download Microsoft Edge – The Chromium-based browser
Download Google Chrome – More efficient and safer browser


  • BSI warning about security risks in Chrome and Edge-Browsern
  • Review Ratings by Google and Microsoft Updates
  • Edge-Version 131.0.2903.86 avoids identity theft risks
  • BSI is taking a risk with a CVSS base score of 8.8
  • Automatic updates performed, manual verification possible
  • Chrome supports life, Edge twice security aufgrund Implementierung
  • Detailed Information on Schwachstellen zunächst zurückgehalten

See also: