
The 3 big lies of Israeli Zionists

The 3 big lies of Israeli Zionists

Try a little experiment. Jump on the Internet, go to your social networks and start criticizing the Israeli genocide in Gaza. See what happens. In no time, you will have (pro)Zionists hitting you back with: “Israel has the right to exist!” »And “Israel has the right to defend itself!” »And “You are an anti-Semite!” » (Yes, at some point they’ll slap you with that old, battered, worn, overused A card.) They’ll hit you with it too; “The Jews are God’s chosen people”, “Israel is the Holy Land”And “God gave this land to the Jews. »

(Hmm… why does this “chosen people” thing sound familiar and disturbing? Oh yes, I remember that now…) Hitler and his Nazis proclaimed themselves the “Master Race.” Zionists call themselves “God’s chosen people.” Tell me…what is the fkn difference?

In the preface to his book, Gaza: an investigation into his martyrdomPr. Norman Finkelstein – undoubtedly the leader authority in the world on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – writing; “Gaza is a big lie made up of a thousand little lies. The goal of this book is to refute this big lie by exposing each of the little lies.

So let’s take a moment to question these 3 BIG Zionist lies…


Um, no, they don’t. Not according to international law. Look for something called the Balfour Statement. Have you ever heard of it? This is when one nation – Britain – took a country from another nation – the Palestinians, and gave it to a third nation – the Jews. It all began on November 2, 1917, when the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Arthur James Balfour, sent a letter on behalf of “his majesty”, King George V, to Lord Walter Rothschild, declaring; “Her Majesty’s Government view favorably the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will do their best to facilitate the achievement of this objective. »

With the Sykes-Picots »Agreement» of 1916 (where France and Great Britain redesigned the map of the Middle East), many historians see it statement as the starting point of the Arab-Israeli conflict.



Who gave to “Great Britain” RIGHT…to take land away from one nation…and give it to another? Does all this seem legal to you? Quite simply because Israel is “recognized» by 163 of the 193 UN member states, this does not make it legal.

In November this year, the former U.N. officialMoncef Khane wrote a article to Al Jazeera where he said, “No state has an “inherent right to exist,” not even Israel. The idea that “Israel has the right to exist” is a statement so often made by leaders and the media, mainly Western, that it seems accurate. Conceptually or legally, no such natural or legal right exists. This sentiment was echoed in articles by political analyst Jeremy Hammond in 2019 and the author, John Patrick Leary in January This year.

However, in December 2023, the US Congress adopted a resolution “reaffirming Israel’s right to exist.” He also specifies that “denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of anti-Semitism”. And, let’s not forget, Trump fulfilled his cupboard almost entirely with Zionists.


You call slaughter tens of thousands, mainly women and children (44,000 and account) in retaliation for an “attack” by Hamas – which would have killed 1200 Israelis – defend yourself? Looks like you got some fucked up idea about self-defenseZionist. Of course, you wouldn’t need to “defend yourself” if you hadn’t. caged Palestinians love animals and brutalized repeatedly over the decades. Let’s be real, your position of “self-defense” has become…indefensible.

Furthermore… we have now seen numerous reports from credible media outlets – including Israeli ones. media – revealing that many Israeli citizens killed October 7 were killed by IDF soldiers as part of Operation Hannibal Directive» (look). Including – according to an Israeli police investigation – many Israeli citizens present at the Nova music festival were allegedly dejected shot down by IDF fight helicopters. Also, despite those accusations of “mass grated» by Hamas and “burned body ” be thoroughly demystifiedIsrael, the United States and their Western lackeys and puppet media continue to push these lies.


Let’s just call it what it is. What Israel is doing in Gaza is not a “war”, it is genocidal ethnic cleansing.

It’s not just me saying it…

The ICC said it is genocide. The ICJ said it is genocide. The UN said it is genocide. Amnesty said it is genocide. The CCR (United States) said it is genocide. The Pope said it is genocide. Most care world (Global South & East) said it is genocide. But none of that matters. Do you know why? Because America, birthplace of Mickey Mouse, along with Israel and the rest of their lapdog lackeys in the Western political establishment…say this is not the case.


Ah yes, the old man Card A: Anti-Semite. I talked about it in a previous column. As we have established, Israel was populated primarily by WHITE Ashkenazi Jews from Europewhich means… they are NOT actually Semites – and their descendants. The REAL Semites are the brown-skinned Arabs and Palestinians of the Middle East. Ergo, one could say, it is in fact the (white), Zionist and Ashkenazi Jews of Europe who are the REAL ones anti-Semites – demonstrated by how they treat the REAL SemitesPalestinians and Arabs.

The fact is that you can be anti-Zionist and anti-IDF without being anti-Jewish/Semitic. You can even adopt anti-Israel policies without being anti-Semitic. And no, criticizing Netanyahu or the Israeli genocide in Gaza is NOT anti-Semitism. Hell, even a Jew born in Israel says it. In a interview Alongside Piers Morgan, bassist and co-founder of the rock group KISS, Gene Simmons slammed the anti-Semitic accusations made against Pink Floyd co-founder and activist Roger Waters.

When Morgan pointed out that Roger Waters had been “making a lot of very anti-Israeli and (what people perceive to be) anti-Semitic comments”Simmons replied: “I’m not sure it’s the same thing.” As far as he was concerned, “There is a difference between a political statement about Israel and anti-Semitism. » He added, “Besides, the definition of a Semite includes the Arab world. »

So do yourself a favor, don’t let Zionist apologists use these 3 big lies to make you feel guilty and prevent you from doing the right thing – like defending the Palestinians or exposing Israel’s war crimes in Gaza, Lebanon and , like lately, Syria.

(God’s “chosen people”…my ass!)

What do you say, SA? Does (Zionist) Israel have the right to exist, to “defend” itself and to call you “anti-Semitic” if you criticize its genocide in Gaza?

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