
Yogyakarta Sultan calls for stricter regulations on alcohol sales – Archipelago

Yogyakarta Sultan calls for stricter regulations on alcohol sales – Archipelago

Ogyakarta Governor Sultan Hamengku Buwono suspects in an alcohol-fueled rampage.

Hamengku Buwono said the sale of alcoholic beverages in Yogyakarta, including online, has gotten out of control and created serious problems among the local community.

“Regents and mayors have the power to issue new regulations. Existing regulations are outdated because they don’t address online sales. I don’t want to see that because we don’t have regulations to manage sales online alcoholic beverages, our children become the victims,” the governor said in a statement.

Earlier this week, members of Muslim organizations in Yogyakarta, including the country’s second largest Islamic organization, Muhammadiyah, took to the streets to call for the prosecution of suspects suspected of stabbing two boarding school students Islamic community in Bantul district, south of Yogyakarta.

Both students were enrolled at Yogyakarta’s historic Al-Munawwir boarding school in Krapyak, Bantul.

Police arrested seven suspects who allegedly committed the act of violence under the influence of alcohol.

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The protesters also demanded that the local government curb the illegal distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages in Yogyakarta, which they say has caused an emergency situation.