
S&P 500-Wert Eli Lilly-Aktie: So there is an investment in Eli Lilly for one year

S&P 500-Wert Eli Lilly-Aktie: So there is an investment in Eli Lilly for one year

For the year Eli Lilly-Aktien gekauft: So viel hätten Investoren verdient.

Yesterday vor 1 year we trades of Eli Lilly-Aktie via Börse NYSE wochenend-bedingt nicht ausgeführt. Le Handelstag zuvor stand das Papier letztlich bei 598.05 USD. We invested 1 year 100 USD in the Eli Lilly-Aktie investment hat, and 0.167 years in the portfolio. The investment did not have a price of 134.37 USD, but the price of Eli Lilly-Anteils on 09.12.2024 reached 803.58 USD. Damit wäre der Wert des ursprünglichen Investments à 34.37 percent announced.

Eli Lilly came with a wanted notice of 761.12 billion. Gelistet USD.

Although this does not happen, asset divisions and dividends are not clearly stated.


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