
Surselva Tourismus wins the public award for Plakate

Surselva Tourismus wins the public award for Plakate

The agents of the APG SGA wrote an article about this year a tourist campaign of Surselva with the public prize “Poster of the month”. Das Motiv einer Kuh am Alpabzug in Brigels soll die ländlichen Werte der Region unterstreichen.

With a humorous campaign campaign, Surselva Tourismus die Herbstsaison in Szene gesetzt. The Plakat zeigt eine feierlich geschmückte Kuh auf einer vert Wiese – zurück im Tal nach dem Alpsommer. The title “Das sind üseri Influencer” is present in the context of the region in contrast with modern news. This advertising campaign is published by APG SGA companies with the public award “Poster of the Month” aus. The destination’s winter and summer campaigns will go well.

A Botschaft für Ganzjahrestourismus
The campaigns have a long-term strategy, so that tourist tourism is nachhaltigen in der Surselva zu fördern. “We have a diverse marketing team and I am very available for marketing services during these free years,” comments Surselva Tourism Director Kevin Brunold.


Creativity within the region, for the region
The idea for the campaign is aimed at a creative workshop of the communications agent, and the results are available in Surselva’s response. “Von Anfang was able to create this Kraft idea. Die Auszeichnung bestätigt, dass wir den Geschmack des Publikums treffen,” declared Geschäftsführer Armin Spescha.

Feierliche Preisübergabe in Chur
The award was obtained at the Hauptsitz der APG SGA in Chur. Kevin Brunold, marketing manager Karsten Friedrich and Giulia Lötscher from are now available. (mm)