
Branchentreff at The Charles Hotel: VDVO feiert Jahresausklang

Branchentreff at The Charles Hotel: VDVO feiert Jahresausklang

Exclusivity The Charles Hotel im Herzen Münchens wurde am Montagabend zum Treffpunkt der führenden Köpfe der Eventbranche der Region Bayern. The Verband der Veranstaltungsorganisatoren eV (VDVO) Lud zum traditionellen Jahresausklang et schuf in the stilvollen Atmosphäre des Luxushotels einen Rahmen für Austausch and Netzwerkpflege.

vlnr: Florian Sänger (VDVO Zentrale Berlin) - Florian Steinmaier (Hotledirektor The Charles Hotel) with Jürgen Mayer (plazz AG - VDVO Regionalvertretung)
vlnr: Florian Sänger (GF der VDVO Zentrale Berlin) – Florian Steinmaier (Hotel Manager The Charles Hotel) with Jürgen Mayer (CEO plazz AG – VDVO Regionalvertretung)

Jürgen MayerRegional director VDVO-Region Süd, begrüßte mit Florian SteinmeierDirector of the hotel The Charles, and Björn Sänger, Geschäftsführer of the VDVO, of the Public aus der Eventbranche. Enjoy intensive winter activities organized by agencies such as AirPartner, BMW, Doo, Easy Welcome, Infinion, VDMA, Bayern Tourismus, Leading Hotels of the World and Westhouse der VDVO-Einladung.

the Charles Hotel Munich
Stylish atmosphere at the Charles Hotel. This Florio Restaurant hat erst dieses Jahr eröffnet

An overview of events in the events and mice market

In a frequent dialog box you will find topics and activities specific to the event branch in focus. Florian Steinmeier And Björn Sänger There is insight into market dynamics and discussions with trends, concepts and creative perspectives.

Key statements from the discussions reflect the workers’ expertise and judgment:

“The Munich hotel industry benefited from the year 2024 thanks to major highlight events such as the time of the concert of Adele and Taylor Swift of the Fußball-Europameisterschaft. “I recommend Munich players to have other highlights like the Champions League final and major new developments,” said Florian Steinmeier.

“Customer personalization and flexibility are ensured by the accommodation for a personalized stay in luxury hotels. »

“A new Wind is in the VDVO agency – an excellent, innovative study and development program like the KI-Webinaren and the BE Future Programm – the Verband has prospects for its own,” said Björn Sänger. Dabei steht die Branche über alle Gewerke hinweg für über 60 Billion. Umsatz.

The hotel lifestyle with the festlich geschmückten Weihnachtsbaum and the herzliche Gastfreundschaft schufen den perfect Rahmen for the diesjährigen VDVO-Jahresausklang. “A bright future for the guests with great optimism and positive growth in the new year,” said Jürgen Mayer, regional director of VDVO-Region Süd u. CEO of Plazz AG