
Danny Boyle and Alex Garland return with 28 Years Later – First Trailer Revealed

Danny Boyle and Alex Garland return with 28 Years Later – First Trailer Revealed

Die Macher des Zombie-Klassikers 28 days laterstage manager Danny Boyle and book author Alex Garland, eventually became interested in the deeper story. Please note that the Fortress of the Title 28 years later tragen et den Start einer geplanten Trilogie von Sequels markieren. No, it’s the first trailer that appears, just one click into the new released movie.

Kinostart is scheduled for June 19, 2025. Damit bleiben noch sechs Monate bis zur Premiere, doch der Trailer steigert bereits die Vorfreude auf the Rückkehr in the verstörende Welt der “Infizierten”.

Wird 28 years later and the erfolge of the originals anknüpfen and the trilogy geplante zu a Meilenstein of the genres machen? The trailer lasts until it falls and is intensive and strong. Do you have ihn schon gesehen?

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