
Das sind die Heimkino-Highlights of the Woche

Das sind die Heimkino-Highlights of the Woche

“Alien: Romulus”, “Almost Fly” and “Fast Charlie”: they are also available on DVD and Blu-ray from the woman.

In a horror and science fiction film, Ridley Scotts “Alien – Das unheimlichen Wesen aus einer fremden Welt” is performed by the classics. “Often copied, only erreicht”, lautet die Diagnose auch 45 years after the films, from Sigourney Weaver to a star and its figure of the zupackenden astronaut Ellen Ripley to one of the most famous early action icons. The Kampf has generated an aggressive and very widespread species in the außerirdische species, Generating xenomorph, since 1997 during three Fortsetzungen aus, the teilweise deutlich weniger euphorisch aufgenommen wurden. The sequels were not performed by Ridley Scott as Ruder and inserted in “Prometheus – Dunkle Zeichen” (2012) and “Alien: Covenant” (2017), twice as bilingual and more philosophical than the prequels, which were described for the creation of Aliens. jedoch ebenfalls nicht allen Fans gefielen. The new film “Alien: Romulus”, with Scott “nur” now as producer, plays twice the 1979 original and twice as bright as 1986 “Aliens – Die Rückkehr”. The Schocker also stars in the Coming-of-Age series “Almost Fly” and the action thriller “Fast Charlie” on DVD and Blu-ray.

"Extraterrestrial: Romulus" This is the moment in which the 1979 film Monster Against All People takes place. (Image: Léonine)"Extraterrestrial: Romulus" This is the moment in which the 1979 film Monster Against All People takes place. (Image: Léonine)

“Alien: Romulus” is the sequel to the 1979 Monster created by All. (Image: Léonine)

“Alien: Romulus” (VÖ: December 13)

Hand-sorting “Alien: Romulus” is the title of everyone’s radio station, except for a young group of colonizers. Your plan: wertvolles Equipment einsammeln and rasch wieder verschwinden. Was it a relatively simple coup d’état, which entpuppt sich jedoch als Höllenritt. Please note that the Plünderer an Bord has a slightly different bedrohung. The original facehugger is turned on, the other side of the screen appears, and the other side of the screen is active. Die Folgen sind bekannt – einschließlich jenes Moments, in dem sich der Parasit den Weg nach draußen bahnt. With more than 350 million US dollars, the film “Alien: Romulus” is not even more expensive than the production cost of 80 million dollars, the film will take place in the 14th place of the world film of 2024. Nachschub is bereits in Arbeit. Allergies are not in the form of a cinematic film. 2025 has just released the series “Alien: Earth” by Noah Hawley (“Legion”) and started to do it – a new one in life – the project auf die Erde verlagert.

DVD price: around 15 euros

United States, 2024, Director: Fede Álvarez, Laufzeit: 114 Minuten

The new HipHop-Crew and their mentor (on links): rapper Walter (Samuel Benito), manager Alex (Laurids Schürmann), DJ Nasty (David Mayonga), rapper Ben (Andrew Porfitz) and breakdancer Denise (Paula Hartmann ). (Image: OneGate Media / 2022 Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited - a WarnerMedia company / W&B Television GmbH / Sandra Ritschel)The new HipHop-Crew and their mentor (on links): rapper Walter (Samuel Benito), manager Alex (Laurids Schürmann), DJ Nasty (David Mayonga), rapper Ben (Andrew Porfitz) and breakdancer Denise (Paula Hartmann ). (Image: OneGate Media / 2022 Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited - a WarnerMedia company / W&B Television GmbH / Sandra Ritschel)

The new HipHop-Crew and their mentor (on links): rapper Walter (Samuel Benito), manager Alex (Laurids Schürmann), DJ Nasty (David Mayonga), rapper Ben (Andrew Porfitz) and breakdancer Denise (Paula Hartmann ). (Image: OneGate Media / 2022 Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited – a WarnerMedia company / W&B Television GmbH / Sandra Ritschel)

“Almost fly” (VÖ: December 6)

The schüchterne Walter (Samuel Benito) is with the Metal-Bruder “Helli” die Tankstelle des Vaters übernehmen. This is the amazing series “Almost Fly”. Together with some friends, the young man Ben (Andrew Porfitz) and the Technik-Nerd Nik (Simon Fabian), treat other people like the KFZ-Lehre and their Provinz-Lebensmief. As the US military base arrived on January 16, 1990 with rap shows and guys on Kontakt, the Coolest Man was definitely a cooler man than all of them. Together with Ossi-Mädchen Denise, with D-Nice (Paula Hartmann) Breakdance zelebriert, wollen die Außenseiter un own hip-hop group auf die Beine stellen, which is the American favorite. Weil das Schul-Englisch kaum ausreicht, um die Texte zu verstehen, geschweige denn selbst zu schreiben, kommt ihnen die Idee, das Ganze auf Deutsch zu versuchen. The ebenso witzige wie anrührende Coming-of-Age-Geschichte “Almost Fly”, was a man with “fast cool” übersetzen könnte, is an authentic newspaper from the German province (West) from 1990, which is so well anfühlt, like we did it. the man selbst dabei gewesen. The man listens to German hip-hop culture and takes on a leichtfüßig ebenso as a sensibel erzählten Geschichte übers Erwachsenwerden.

Blu-ray price: around 18 euros

DE, 2022, Director: Florian Gaag, Times: 270 Minutes

    (Image: OneGate Media / 2022 Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited - a WarnerMedia company / W&B Television GmbH)    (Image: OneGate Media / 2022 Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited - a WarnerMedia company / W&B Television GmbH)

(Image: OneGate Media / 2022 Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited – a WarnerMedia company / W&B Television GmbH)

“Fast Charlie” (VÖ: December 12)

As James Bond, Pierce Brosnan played Böse in the late 1990s, in the film “Fast Charlie” made in the 71s, but not himself in a hitman: Charlie Swift (Pierce Brosnan), one of the best Arbeitsweise as effective evil “Fast Charlie” is born, but the simplest action thriller is a problem: the leiche of Mannes, who is the author of the mafia beggar Mercado (Gbenga Akinnagbe), found himself at the head of the Kopf. How is this really the case, is this the case for the entire gewünschte workforce? In seiner Not bleibt Swift nichts eteres übrig, als die Ex-Frau des Toten, Marcie Kramer (Marina Baccarin), hinzuzuziehen. They are represented by the Glücksgriff, Charlie’s perfect friend and mentor Stan Mullins (James Caan) and Charlie zur Flucht gezwungen. This is the start of a lebensbedrohlicher journey with de vielen Leichen…

DVD price: around 16 euros

United States, 2023, Director: Phillip Noyce, Laufzeit: 87 Minuten

So killer Charlie Swift (Pierce Brosnan) isn't sure he bought it. (Photo: Eurovideo/Telepool Medien GmbH)So killer Charlie Swift (Pierce Brosnan) isn't sure he bought it. (Photo: Eurovideo/Telepool Medien GmbH)

So killer Charlie Swift (Pierce Brosnan) isn’t sure he bought it. (Photo: Eurovideo/Telepool Medien GmbH)