
Cillian Murphy as Zombie? Das Geheimnis um den ersten Trailer wurde gelüftet

Cillian Murphy as Zombie? Das Geheimnis um den ersten Trailer wurde gelüftet

The first trailer from 28 Years Later is of Jim (Cillian Murphy), who has nothing to do with men. Images: Searchlight Pictures
The first trailer from 28 Years Later is of Jim (Cillian Murphy), who has nothing to do with men. Images: Searchlight Pictures

The first trailer from 28 Years Later is of Jim (Cillian Murphy), who has nothing to do with men. Images: Searchlight Pictures

The first trailer from 28 years later is for the oldest fans, a Shock: Why did you have a Grausames Schicksal for Jim the best? This is, of course, Cillian Murphy’s character in 28 Days Later, in the new fortification of Danny Boyle and Alex Garland, who are in one role-playing game.

The Zombie, the at Minute 01:48 To see, you will see the Oscar-ausgezeichneten films in films like Oppenheimer or Sunshine immersed in the truth. We have the best of them at night for a click:

The first trailer for 28 years later: What about Zombie-Apokalypse?
The first trailer for 28 years later: What about Zombie-Apokalypse?

Starting the video


The first trailer for 28 years later: What about Zombie-Apokalypse?

Cillian Murphy is not here Abgemagerte Infusion

This is what it says: However, among the many discussions about Zombie Handelt, there isn’t a Cillian Murphy hanging within the character Jim. How The Guardian berichtet, wird der sogenannte Abgemagerte Infusion by newcomer Angus Neill performed.

Neill is indeed an artist and a model, of the aufgrund seines äußeren Erscheinungsbildes gezielt von Regisseur Danny Boyle gecastet wurde – under this link you can have a picture of your machine yourself. Gegenüber Guardian describes Angus Neill:

Danny meinte zu mir, dass er mich für ce Rolle immer im Hinterkopf hatte. We also have our getroffen, darüber geredet and I have to zugestimmt it. Auf dem Set hat er cese außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten, un direct in seinen Bann zu ziehen. With this film to work with, war is a rich and intensive experience.

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Damit bleibt naturally weiterhin offen, was for a Rolle Cillian Murphy in 28 years later (and the bereits geplanten Fortsetzungen) game. Murphy is not as a producer on board, but he also has to look at the camera inside. In welchem ​​​​Ausmaß and in was für einer Funktion, bleibt aber noch abzuwarten.

Derweil chose the cast of 28 Years Later for the other Aaron Taylor-Johnson (High Speed ​​Train, Kraven), Jodie Comer (The Bikeriders, The Last Duel), Ralph Fiennes (Hotel Grand Budapest, Harry Potter), Jack O’Connell (Unbroken, ’71) and Erin Kellyman (Solo: A Star Wars Story, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier) zusammen.

28 years later, I start in the morning June 19, 2025 at the cinema.

The direct game The Bone Temple was directed by Nia DaCosta (Candyman, The Marvels) and Danny Boyle. A movie is starting to drop now – with three sequels, Alex Garland (Ex Machina, Civil War) is the good guy in the book.