
Listen directly to the Start menu and many new optional updates available in the bar > Dr. Windows

Listen directly to the Start menu and many new optional updates available in the bar > Dr. Windows

Listen directly to the Start menu and many new optional updates available in the bar > Dr. Windows

Program, in Windows 11 and in the Start menu you will find playlists, right-click preview on the dates displayed. These and more new information will be found during testing and will be available until November as well as optional updates ausgeliefert.

Updated November 22, 2024: The most recent updates will also be available for Nicht-Insider:

Published by the Original Article on November 15, 2024.

Sowohl for version 23H2 as well as for version 24H2 are available in the updates available in the Release Preview channel for Insider. The corrective measures of the enthaltenen Fehlerbereinigungen are the practical and identical functions. Any new implementations during “phased rollout” have been done, as they are not automatically enabled, but are likely removed by Microsoft.

Changelogs are also available on the Windows Insider blog:

Das hier sind die Neuerungen (automatisch übersetzt in Deutsche):

  • (Start Menu) Neu! When you click with good taste on the applications, the start menu is already displayed, the application picklists are displayed and the picklists are displayed.
  • (Tasklist) Neu! In the task list you will find a saved data and an updated message. Otherwise, there are some other symbols that do not change, but if there are “Night stören” active items. When the Glocken symbol is not displayed, click on the date and time to obtain your information in the alarm center. Um zur Langform von Datum et Uhrzeit zurückzukehren, gehen Sie zu Instellungen > Zeit and Sprache > Datum and Zeit. Activieren Sie dann den Schalter für “Uhrzeit und Datum in der Taskleiste anzeigen”. Um das Glockensymbol anzuzeigen, gehen Sie zu Instellungen > System > Benachrichtigungen. Activieren Sie den Schalter für „Benachrichtigungen“. You can access these ideas via the context menu. Just click on the correct Maustaste on the watch or the Glocken symbol in the task list.
  • (Touch screen) Neu! With this update there is a new issue for touchscreen settings. Gehen Sie > Instellungen > Bluetooth and devices. If you sleep, you can see the Touch-Geste on the links or on the left-hand pictures.
  • (Mouse) Neu! (currently in version 23H2) Mit this Update wird in the ideas > Bluetooth and devices > Maus die Option zum Deaktivieren der erweiterten Mauszeigergenauigkeit hinzugefügt. There is also a new option, in Future Wealth, in the Mouse Scroll.
  • (Task Manager)
    • Neu! The “Trennen” and “Abmelden” dialog fields support Dunkel mode and text structure.
    • Neu! Im Abschnitt “Leistung” is none of the Type für jeden Datenträger angezeigt.
  • (Publisher Eingabemethoden (IME)) Neu! After installing these updates, the IME symbol is embedded, when applications are found in a full image mode. Dies trittt nur auf, wenn die IME-Symbolleiste active ist und sie chinese order japanische Zeichen eingeben.
  • (Datei-Explorer) Neu! You can access Data Explorer context menu and desktop for free Android device. This feature can be used to use Phone Link on your PC, installed and configured.
  • (IFilters) Neu! Windows Search uses IFilter in Least Privileged Application Containers (LPAC) aus. LPACs are like App-Container, which offers many standard solutions. A process that was created in an LPAC, but does not have resources, is beneficial. The process aims to understand the components and data of the system. This reduces the potential of Schaden, den a compromised Prozess verursachen cannn.
  • (Page “Dynamische Beleuchtungseinstellungen”)
    • Neu! On the other side of the page there is a changed position, but it is not compatible with the current computer. Außerdem sind the Steuerelemente für Helligkeit et Effekte deactiviert.
    • Neu! With this update, the options “Vorwärts”, “Rückwärts”, “Nach außen” and “Nach innen” are selected. The “Verlauf” effect applies to the “Vorwärtsrichtung” option.
  • (Narrator) Neu! We have the performance check mode of the new function enabled. Mit der Option Eingefügte Links überspringen (N’) können Sie zum Text nach einem Link navigieren. This is an interesting question when you’re looking at long emails, detailed articles, and Wiki pages. Mit Zu Listen springen (L’) können Sie schnell auf eine List onf einer Webseite or in einem Document zugreifen. When testing these new functions, you need to enable the enabled settings (Win-Taste + Strg + Eingabetaste), then enable Scan mode, at the same time festival taste + leert taste are enabled and the new feature combinations “N ” and “L” are certainly used. You can also find the scanning mode on my websites (like detailed articles, Wiki pages usw.) standardmäßig eingeschaltet ist.
  • (Sprache under Windows) Neu! We offer instructions for reading and entering text in Windows. Instructions for broadcasting, presentation, live broadcast titles, selection of live programs and live presentations will allow you to create a combination of references, as part of their implementation, in their implementation manuals implementation of the broadcast dates. Release dates are separate from the Microsoft Store displayed.
  • (Einstellungen) Neu! Tailored experiences are personalized offerings in the ready-to-use (OOBE) configuration. You will find it on the Empfehlungen and Angebote page. Gehen Sie zu Instellungen > Data protection and security. You can now see the installation disabled, the data coming from your device send a Windows to the application.

About the author

Martin Geuss

Martin Geuss

I’m Martin Geuß, and I’m not sure I made it, I’m in the Windows home world. For over 17 years I have been in the world of their work, it was the same for Windows and other Microsoft products from the Kopf, and this is perhaps the most interesting topic. Das wichtigste Motto meiner Arbeit lautet: Von mir – für Euch!