
Scottish organic farmers benefit from automatic eligibility for future payments

Scottish organic farmers benefit from automatic eligibility for future payments

Organic farmers will be automatically eligible for government support under a post-Brexit policy shift to encourage sustainable farming in Scotland.

The Scottish Government – ​​which aims to double its organic farmland – is now requiring farmers to create a “whole farm plan” to protect nature in order to qualify for the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS).

Unlike England, Scotland retains the BPS system used in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, under which payments are made to farmers based on the area of ​​land cultivated.

But changes are being made in Scotland to eligibility for the scheme, including a new requirement for an overall farm plan – which the government has acknowledged is already a key part of the scheme. organic farming.

To receive payments, farmers will need to submit information to the government on how their entire agricultural system will perform in five areas.

These include animal health and welfare, biodiversity, integrated pest management, carbon and soil testing.

All BPS applicants must complete at least two of these five audits by May 15, 2025, and all other audits relevant to their business by 2028.

Any certified organic farmer will automatically be qualified in the areas of animal health and welfare and integrated pest management.

David McKay, co-director of Soil Association Scotland, said the association was “delighted” that organic growers were being recognized by the Scottish Government.

He said: “The requirement for whole farm planning is great news for all farmers, as evidence shows this approach can help ensure resilience and support food security.

“If farmers can be helped to think about how they could create different businesses while protecting natural habitats, it would be a win-win for everyone.

“This is a big mindset shift and we are pleased to offer support services to help farmers gain the skills they need in this transition.”

This policy change follows a Soil Association report released earlier this year covering the benefits of farm-wide planning.