
National tension affects children

National tension affects children

As if the kids who write to Globe Santa asking for Christmas gifts don’t have enough to worry about. As if these underprivileged children needed any more anxiety.

Consider this letter from a 12-year-old boy who asked for a toy but also “if possible, to have a pair of shoes on my feet, so that my feet don’t get dirty.” And also clothes for winter, if I’m cold.

Or the 11-year-old who writes that she’s “not so sure how good this season is.” My family and I are deeply mired in poverty. …My mother always worries about things she doesn’t deserve to worry about, like…my sister and I’s next meal.

But this year, the letters written by the children indicate that they recognize and respond to the tension of anger currently reflected in our country. And this casts a dark shadow over their lives.

A 12-year-old girl from a Boston neighborhood wrote to Globe Santa that she thinks all this division is hurting children and families. And that makes the holidays even more difficult.

Dear Globe Santa: I think you should help me because every child should be able to receive a Christmas present, no matter who or what they are. They can be white, black, Asian, Chinese, Dominican or Puerto Rican, it doesn’t matter. It could also make a child feel much better. What if a child felt very depressed because he never received a Christmas present? (It) will make them happy because they will get a gift and their parents will be happy because you never know what they are going through. Their parents might be financially unstable and it’s not their fault, it might be a dream just to see their child(ren) happy. In conclusion, I still believe that you should help me because every child should be able to receive a Christmas present no matter who or what they are.

No matter where we are in this polarized time, surely we can all agree that children in their formative years, who carry burdens beyond their years, deserve consideration during the holidays. The Globe Santa program may not be the solution to all the injustices in the world, but it is based on the principle that joy is a gift that every child deserves.

This commitment is why Globe Santa responds each family letter with a generous gift of toys and books, no matter who or what they are.

We are deeply grateful to everyone who supports the mission of Globe Santa.

Linda Matchan can be contacted at [email protected]

For 69 years, Globe Santa, a program of the Boston Globe Foundation, has provided gifts to children in need during the holidays. Please consider donating by phone, mail, or online at

Linda Matchan can be contacted at [email protected]