
Highlights, Rückblicke and beste Unterhaltung in ORF 1 and in ORF ON

Highlights, Rückblicke and beste Unterhaltung in ORF 1 and in ORF ON

Vienna (OTS) –

The best support is guaranteed by the three-pack, during ORF 1 and ORF ON on Friday, December 27, 2024, the January Review passed: “Schluss mit lustig” was published at 8:15 p.m., when the “satirical blick of the month” 2024″ with Gerald Fleischhacker in the programme. From international victories in the context of current politics to highlights in sport, of culture and society: the program of the month “Maschek – 2024 new gemischt” will be announced at 9:50 p.m. Auf die witzigsten Fragen et Antworten aus “Was gibt es Neues?” das sich das Publikum un 22.25 Hour mit den “. Highlights 2024” free.

“Schluss mit lustig – Der satirische Jahresrückblick 2024” (8:15 p.m.)

The humor is there, when the man trotzdem lacht – in Krisenzeiten umso more. And so ORF 1 and ORF ON had a humorous film in the Rückspiegel, while a Riege of the faithful Kabarettistinnen and Kabarettisten des Landes Gedanken darüber macht, was 2024 so everything passed. Zu Gast bei Gerald Fleischhacker in Odeon Theater with Andreas Vitásek, Isabell Pannagl, Angelika Niedetzky, Clemens Maria Schreiner, Nadja Maleh and Gernot Haas in the role of Donald Trump. Professor Gregor Seberg also has his duty as a doctor. The musical and political point of view is composed of the Simpl-Ensemble of Michael Niavaranis. Jenny Frankl, Ariana Schirasi-Fard, Joachim Brandl, Julian Loidl, Mattias Mamedof and Bernhard Murg have already published inside information, which was heard by the famous Tapetentür des Landes.

“Maschek – 2024 new gemischt” (9:50 p.m.)

Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, Javier Milei in Argentina and the future Donald Trump in the USA won the grand prize – and they are all equally valuable to the synchronous anarchists Peter Hörmanseder and Robert Stachel. The business leaders for “Maschek” are also behind the current policy. And other highlights of sport, culture and society from the Alabas Verletzung to the Hirschers Comeback and the Lugners Letztem Opernball last dabei nicht fehlen.

“Is gibt es Neues?” – Highlights 2024″ (10:25 p.m.)

“Is gibt es Neues?” – Highlights 2024″ presents the most striking fragments and responses from the credible comedy-drama starring Oliver Baier.