
Frau in the New York subway at Brand gesetzt und getötet

Frau in the New York subway at Brand gesetzt und getötet

A schlafende woman is on the New York U-Bahn at Brand gesetzt worden et kurz darauf gestorben. The police zufolge war is in a line of Zug of the line F im Stadtteil Brooklyn under the paths, as well as the Tat geschah.

(Keystone-SDA) A baked good leaves the flames, the woman is there for the moment and the object for everyone. A police officer spoke on the television broadcaster CNN, which had no incidents with a tatverdächtiger festivalgenommen worden sei man. These are some of the details you need to know about the Opfer bekannt, all the details are not included in the Winter time of the U-Bahn-System, but also on the Kälte zu entfliehen. The weather is like the temperature in New York with less degree during the night.