
Covid-19: WHO has 5-year assessment of Corona – News

Covid-19: WHO has 5-year assessment of Corona – News

Covid-19: WHO is 5-year-old Corona report – News – SRF

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  • This is the first time the Coronavirus will happen. The standard is the World of Work Organization (WHO) eine Fünf-Jahres-Bilanz gezogen.
  • Die Zahl der Menschen, die nach einer Infektion mit dem Coronavirus sterben, Sinke Kontinuierlich, teilte die UNO-Organization mit.
  • In June 2021, I have an elderly person who is late with Corona in the hospital. Anfang November 2024 is the 25th. Person received.

Bisher seien weltweit knapp 777 Millionen Fälle der Erkrankung gezählt worden. Sieben Millionen Menschen in insgesamt 234 Ländern seien gestorben. The consequences of the pandemic will last over the years 2020, 2021 and 2022. In the period from October to November 2024, 77 Länder Fall von Coronainfektionen occurred.

A Pflegefachfrau betreut a Patienten im Spitalzimmer.
Legend :

In the first month and year of the pandemic, the global system was greatly threatened by the causes of viral infections.


A big problem lies in one of the main symptomatic problems of Long Covid. Now we have the latest news about the outbreak of the Corona virus in Long Covid. The coronavirus action plans put WHO at the disposal of a trusted person to ensure disease prevention.

Seasonal Flu in Anmarsch and Covid in Abklingen

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Die Fälle von seasonale Grippe haben sich innert kurzer Zeit verdoppelt. The view of the Covid-19 situation is explained below – Covid is still today best known as the flu.

Dies geht aus einer Information du Bundesamts für Gesundheit (BAG) hervor.

The seasonal Grippewelle took place on December 9. The Bundesamt published it in court and the BAG-Bulletin published a link. Innerhalb einer Woche hätten sich die Influenza-Fälle im Sentinella-Meldesystem verdoppelt.

“Le Covid-19 Welle scheint ihren Höhenpunkt überschritten zu haben”, writes the BAG. I am Abwasser, I am obligatory in the Meldesystem and in the Sentinella-Meldesystems, which are the women most affected by the infection trend caused by the coronavirus.

Allergies are Covid nach as if it were a very clear statement – ​​with 7.3 cases of falls auf 100’000 Einwohnerinnen et Einwohner im erwähnten Zeitraum. Well starting point time begins October at 2:71 p.m.

The Virus has a clear seasonality and it is still there and it does not contain any Erkrankung. The WHO is also able to significantly reduce testing in Switzerland and major virus checks, which is not easier on the intestines.

SRF4 News active, 12/24/24, 5 p.m.;

dpa/mcep; kurn

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