
The WHO has transmitted more data on this subject from China…

The WHO has transmitted more data on this subject from China…

/photo alliance, TASS, Valery Sharifulin

Geneva – Today’s day on the eve of the coronavirus pandemic from the world organization (WHO) China erneut aufgefordert, more Daten zur Aufklärung der Ursprünge zur Verfügung zu stellen.

“We have China aware of the dates and stages of the process, as preventive measures against COVID-19 are available,” the WHO said in Geneva. “Dies ist ein moralisches und wissenschaftliches Gebot. » This is what happened, Lehren für die Zukunft zu ziehen.

Ohne Transparenz and die Weitergabe von Informationen and Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Staaten könne “Die Welt künftigen Epidemien et Pandemien nicht angemessen vorbeugen et soch not angemessen auf sie vorbereiten”, warns the WHO.

Infections with new coronaviruses occurred at the end of 2019 in China from the start of men. Error is still there throughout the world, until the stars of the world outnumber millions of men and viruses. Zudem hatten die Pandemie et die zu ihrer Eindämmung getroffenen Maßnahmen schwerwiegende wirtschaftliche et soziale Folgen.

The pandemic means that the WHO is immersed in managing transparency and cooperation from Chinese authorities. However, you will be affected by the outbreak of the pandemic.

The WHO nun announced her arrival in her region on December 31, 2019, on the occasion of her birth in China, in a press release from the press agency of the millionaire city of Wuhan, during a fall due to an endangered virus. “In women, the month and the year, we protect COVID-19 for our lives and our world,” the UN organization said.

The head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declared that this Monat bereits der Frage gestellt, ob die Welt mittlerweile better auf af aine Pandemie vorbereitet ist. “The answer is there and nein,” he said at a press conference.

“When the pandemic approaches, the world still finds itself today with only one of Switzerland and attacks on people, because of COVID-19 for the first days of the year,” Tedros said. Others were created by the International Gemeinschaft by the Coronakrise viele “schmerzhafte Lektionen” gelernt et “bedeutende Maßnahmen zur Stärkung ihrer Abwehr künftiger Epidemien et Pandemien” ergriffen.

During the Corona crisis, the international government began a program to prevent and combat the pandemic in December 2021. Die 194 WHO-Mitgliedstaaten haben sich zwar auf die wichtigsten Inhalte des Abkommens geeinigt, allerdings sind die Verhandlungen zur praktischen Umsetzung festgefahren.

Dies betrifft unter anderem die Forderung, Informationen über neu auftretende Krankheitserreger schnellstmöglich ebenso mit anderen Staaten et Institutionen zu teilen wie die Vorteile aus dem Vorliegen ceser Informationen etwa in Form new Impfstoffe. Bis May 2025 sollen die Verhandlungen über das Pandemicabkommen abgeschlossen sein.

China will be able to respond to WHO criticism after the weekend. For the early 2000s, China received information and information on the fight against the virus with the WHO, which visited Mao Ning in Beijing. The People’s Republic has already implemented a general policy of confidentiality and transparency, as well as more data and security policies for the administration of the virus in all other countries, please see. © afp/dpa/