
There is increased vigilance in Termini, Esquilino and al Tuscolano. Oggi la Questura decides in quali strade fare più daspo urbani

There is increased vigilance in Termini, Esquilino and al Tuscolano. Oggi la Questura decides in quali strade fare più daspo urbani

Rinaldo Frignani

The secret saranno zone in base also the number of reacti asssi and inserted in the ordinaanza prefettizia at tempo. Prima scatterà l’ontanamento de pregiudicati e persone violent ou moleste, poi il daspo, quindi la arrest

The list of streets and squares is already there. It’s definitely going to be the 9th day of the technical table in Question and then the elenco will be communicated to the Prefecture. And at what point should I even attend the ordinance?contingibile and urgent» the prefect Lamberto Giannini for the creation of area “a rinforzata vigil»come and point it in the direction of December 17 without it Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi: the first one to take from one street to the Termini station, come via Giolitti, via Marsala, et poi other a commenciare da via Gioberti, et non si esclude Independence Squarebecause come Vittorio Square, EsquilinoI’m inside the station Tuscolana. The scene of the men briefly increased the vigilance of law enforcement. fruits of the analysis and data on the results as in this area in recent times.

I am momenti after the identification

Who – as since last year, is also involved in the intensification of controls – the sopette, violent or attacked person, also with previous police and sanctions, convicted and not entered in five years – Please identify and post a 48 ore matching order. If it turns out that it is not necessary to be answered and the man must still be surprised on which route the object of the order of preferences has dispersed to his place in the face of the place where it dispersed daspoo urban fino at one year. In case of further violation, the problem can also be stopped. I risk a person up to a year in prison.

The crux of the “red zone”

“Non ci saranno zone rossse che non servono e che che rischiano di distant spottar il problema da parte all’tra della città, ma auspico che Roma diventi in a whole white area“, aveva affermato ieri mattina il sindaco Roberto Gualtieri at the end of the Provincial Committee by the ordine and the public security in Prefettura. The direction of the minister does not apply to the “red zone”, in Rome the verticals of the police prefer to speak of the zone of “vigilanza rinforzata” Do not have any police, carabinieri, finanzieri and fore also vigili urbani per a periodo limitato di tempo, poiché sarà il prefetto a stable quanto durableanno, on the other hand dove dovranno be stituite, ovvero in zone predefinite dove è dimostrato lo stazionamento di soggetti pericolosi and molesti che vanno allontanati.

“Termini luogo sicuro all’interno”

It seems more complicated to prevent access to this area from the person who meets the requirements of the Viminale document, as well as the possibility of reimbursement in advance, since it can be obtained at urban time. Owner at Termini Giannini has just come, all the inside of the station, “If one of the safest and most brilliant positions of the Giubileo strengthens us all the presidents. There are things that happen if posted in this area that have special control for giubilari events for the presence of so many people. Sarano time limit provisions and there is a zone list number – which has been confirmed -. All this will allow you to have more structural interventions because you are working with great coverage with the camera and subsequent reinforcement for the area limited to it. Termini station“. The critic called the magistrate Francesco Greco, in the afternoon of Mani Pulite, and consul of the Capitol for legality: “Talking about the red zone, he did not foresee the ministerial circular, he is imprecise and he knows propaganda”.

January 8, 2025