
Black Wings Linz besieging the German VSV

Black Wings Linz besieging the German VSV

VSV could have a draw for the 0:8-Derby-Klatsche match against KAC on the 40th day of the Win2day ICE Hockey League. In Linz, the Black Wings had a score of 1:5. For the Oberösterreicher it is the season of the Sieg festival in the film “Adler”.

The time is when we begin at a time, the gestures of the children are sent in the last minute and it is time to wait. Then the Black Wings find themselves in a very rubbish situation, near Leblers Schuss, inside the aluminum plane.

We spent hours at the Oberösterreicher at 1:0. Knott is created in Powerplay die Führung (16./PP). Mit cesser gehts es in die Pause.

Lebler-Doppelschlag brings the Black Wings to Siegerstraße

I’m roughly starting the story with a play phase, which will take place through a VSV-Powerplay and the serious stuff beyond the pin. Hancock scored his One-Timer in 1:1 (26./PP).

Finally, the Black Wings in Person of Lebler doppelt zu, er trifft zunächst aus central Position zum 2:1 (31.) et nur wenige Sekunden später – wieder en Überzahl – zum 3:1 (32./PP).

The Black Wings have yet to make it to a Powerplay in a Role Playing Game, but they have fallen into a Trio. St-Amant sees it (41./PP). Karst games in the difficult phase without Torhüter are not even more interesting. Stuart scored an Empty-Net-Goal at 5:1 for the Black Wings (60./EN).

Mit dem Heimsieg rücken die Oberösterreicher mit 64 Zählern auf Platz fünf vor, der VSV ist Siebenter (61 Zähler).

The pioneers triumph in the West Derby

The Vorarlberg Pioneers fought in the West-Derby near Innsbrucker with a score of 3:1.

For the Vorarlberger Tore Sorgen Maier (23.), Erne (48.) and MacDougall (54.). Kurzzeitig können die Hausherren im Powerplay par Rassell (49./PP) verkürzen.

The Pioneers win the second derby in the series. In the table you can find the Vorarlberger at the elften Platz (38 Punkte). Innsbruck travels with the Punkten Rückstand auf Rang zwölf.