
Theater for a family concert – Titisee-Neustadt

Theater for a family concert – Titisee-Neustadt

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“The Who and the What” had a performance by Pulitzer Prize winner Ayad Akhtar, a playwright of the present time, on January 13 at 8 p.m. at Kurhaus Titisee for full stock.

I’m stuck with a Zarina, a Harvard-Absolventin’ young woman in a family of Pakistani foreigners in Atlanta. You have a book, which is so critical of the conception of women in Islam. Vater Afzal addresses the Internet for a Muslim Ehemann for you. Zarina found her birthplace and converted Islam in America, in her country as the heir candidate presented. Doch als der Vater Zarinas Manuscript in die Hände bekommt, entsteht ein scheinbar unlösbarer innerfamiliärer Konflikt. Le Pulitzerpreisträger Ayad Akhtar macht deutlich, dass es auf politisch shatterante Fragen keine einfachen Antworten gibt. In the production of Euro-Studio Landgraf, the company Felix Prader was established. Members: Hansa Czypionka, Adrienne von Mangoldt, Noëlle Haeseling and Sven Scheele.

Tickets You can contact the tourist information of the Upper Schwarzwald-Tourismus, the information of the Badischen Zeitung, or all reservation services of the VVK-Stellen or at 07652-1206-8120.

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