
Coronapandemic: Erster Coronatodesfall jährt sich zum fünften Mal

Coronapandemic: Erster Coronatodesfall jährt sich zum fünften Mal

On January 11, 2020, the world fell to China for the first time thereafter Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 registered, der sich am heutigen Samstag somit zum fünften Mal jährt. This unknown virus is attacking the world in the world and the year in a crisis – and the last companies must move, and the management system is integrated for a new one. Pandemic gerüstet sind.

The Fachleute der World Health Organization WHO sind etwa sceptisch. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a news conference in December: “The answer is ja et nein.” The world must plunge into the night “with some Schwächen and Anfälligkeiten” zu kämpfen. Others have the Weltgemeinschaft viele “schmerzhafte Lektionen” gelernt et “bedeutende Maßnahmen zur Stärkung ihrer Abwehr künftiger Epidemien et Pandemien ergriffen”.

According to the study by Maria Van Kerkhove, Leiterin der WHO-Abteilung für Epidemie- und Pandemievorsorge, sei es nur un Frage der Zeit, bis die nächste Pandemie right. Interventions during the coronavirus pandemic and the flu epidemic in January 2009 were “old verbessert”. However, if the world is still in danger, it may be caused by a “massive outbreak” of an infection or a new pandemic.

Ungleichheit bei Zugang zu Impffstoffen

Zu einem ganz ähnlichen Fazit kommt das von der WHO Einberufene Unabhängige Gremium for die Vorbereitung et Reaktion auf Pandemien: Es bengelt unterem, dass beim Zugang zu Impfstoffen et Medikamenten weltweit immer noch Ungleichheit herrscht.

Even the American epidemiologist Meg Scheffer is skeptical: “I’m sure I don’t think it’s better if we are because of Covid. » Weltweit seien Gesundheitsbehörden etwa weiter nicht in der Lage, Informationen über neue Erreger schnell zu erfassen und auszutauschen. It is positive that Scheffer is the cause of the coronavirus pandemic’s lives, like her and others, who have precautions to take, and this is through hand washing or mask treatments.

National virologist Marion Koopmans is interested in the introduction of mRNA agents during the coronavirus pandemic and disease prevention. If you are aware of any Impfskepsis and Misinformation, it has been the case that Impfkampagnen zu “großen Problemen” führen könne.

New masses for the next pandemic

What happens during the Corona pandemic is that it doesn’t take long Massnahmen getroffen, um a künftige Pandemic früher erkennen, eindämmen and bekämpfen zu können. In Berlin, the WHO will take place in January 2021 in a newly created pandemic center, the Global Hub zur Pandemie- und Epidemieaufklärung. The World Bank has created a global pandemic fund in the field of labor, with many Geldern in the Ländern Labore best ausgestattet et medizinisches Personal ausgebildet werden sollen. An interesting project was carried out with a volume of 338 million dollars (328 million fast euros). In South Africa, there is an mRNA technology center created, local tax production for needs. And a WHO study center for biotechnology in South Korea offers medical services in larger states.

When the WHO announced the coronavirus pandemic on January 30, 2020, it was good news of an international tragedy unleashed – the highest level of alarm. The top states reacted from the start, as WHO chief Tedros died on March 11, 2020 in a pandemic. During an impending pandemic, a very serious response occurred in June 2024, international environmental protection laws and a pandemic notification were issued.

In December 2021, the Weltgesundheitsversammlung, the WHO’s top coordinating body, declared that this was a comprehensive response to the reaction within the Gesundheitskrisen auszuarbeiten. Bisher konnten sich die Mitgliedsstaaten der WHO aber nicht auf einen Entwurf einigen. The main transport points are the sources of information about security services and business support services as well as other countries around the world and the armies of the Länder.