
Severn Trent customers save four million liters of water per day with their smart meters

Severn Trent customers save four million liters of water per day with their smart meters

The water company has installed more than 350,000 free meters so far, with the aim of rolling out 400,000 to households and businesses by the end of April 2025.

People in Coventry and Warwickshire, Birmingham, Leicestershire and Shropshire will all benefit from the latest technology, helping them to reduce their consumption and save money.

The meters also help Severn Trent better plan water supplies and, importantly, identify leaks so they can be repaired much more quickly, preventing the loss of millions of liters of water.

Anthony Hickinbottom, Green Recovery Program Manager at Smart Meters, said: “Leaks can cost people a lot of money, from bills to damage to properties.

“Our free smart meters are able to identify leaks much more quickly, meaning we can alert the homeowner and help them resolve the problem within days.

“We can ask people to take a video of their leak and upload it through our VYN (Video Your Note) app for our engineers to take a look and offer advice on how to fix it, for free.

“If they can’t fix it, they will put the customer in touch with the nearest recommended plumber.”

Severn Trent’s smart metering program is part of their wider plans to help customers reduce their water consumption, with forecasts estimating that some areas of the UK could face some form of water shortage. water by 2035.

According to a study by the Water Consumers Council, water customers can save money in other ways:

  • Turning off taps when brushing teeth – £100 per year
  • Switch to a low flow shower head – £100 per year
  • Eliminate two dishwasher runs per week by only running at full load – £75 per year
  • Eliminate two washing machine trips per week by only running at full load – £50 per year
  • Fix constantly dripping taps – £90 a year