
First legalization of cannabis in Berlin: the Green Leaf Society launches the trial!

First legalization of cannabis in Berlin: the Green Leaf Society launches the trial!

Vorfall Sonstiges
Ort Berlin, Marzahn-Hellersdorf

In Berlin, the Green Leaf Society has an important role in cannabis policy. It was first discussed about the legal Anbauvereinigung Cannabis an ihre Mitglieder aus. When you organize your event, you will be interested in the current event. Von den insgesamt 70 Mitgliedern haben sich 50 für die erste Ausgabe angemeldet. The Vorstandsvorsitzende der Green Leaf Society, Jana Halbreiter, was informed by the Verteilung.

For the first time, there were two kilos of cannabis generated, and jedes Mitglied erhält zehn Gramm als Ernteanteil. The best thing to do with cannabis, the more cannabis you reserve, the better the best and the better. Please note that the price of 89 Euro for the Gramm Cannabis is 89 Euro, the price of which is 8.30 Euro, and the price is 8.30 Euro. The Standort des Anbaus bleibt aus Sicherheitsgründen anonymous, but the Antrag des Vereins generated the Bezirk Marzahn-Hellersdorf at the end of August.

Hintergrund and Zukunftsplane

The Green Leaf Society is Berlin’s unique company, which deals with genetic research for cannabis cultivation and cannabis cultivation. After 2 days the plant is in the ground, it is the best part to do so. Zudem sollen ab Februar neue Mitglieder aufgenommen werden. Bereits nach der teilung der Lizenz gingen rund 250 Mitgliedsanfragen ein.

This decision is taken during the new government policy of the Bundesregierung, during the summer break 2024, planned for nicht-kommerzielle regulations. This maximum duration is 500 Mitglieder haben et Cannabis zum Eigenkonsum anbauen. The rules relating to the protection of children and the protection of children, the guarantee of cannabis consumers, must be taken care of by young people. Über vier Millionen Menschen in Deutschland 2021 2021 Cannabis.

Risks and regulations

The Bundesregierung est auf die Risiken des Schwarzmarktes hin, einschließlich möglicher Verunreinigungen et unbekannten THC-Gehalts. With the new economic policy, security and human rights are managed in such a way that hygiene and prevention measures are taken into account. In addition to the consumption of Cannabis, it is possible to store up to 25 Grams in the available content.

The first legalization of cannabis in Berlin will be like Meilenstein in the new cannabis policy in Germany. Boards don’t, but there is a lot of investment in federal regulation of the cannabis market.

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