
Krypto-Analysten erwarten “Buy-the-news”-Rally bei Trump-Amtseinführung

Krypto-Analysten erwarten “Buy-the-news”-Rally bei Trump-Amtseinführung

On January 20, 2025, the financial market will experience the highest level of turbulence during the study of Donald Trump. The launch of a “Sell the News” event occurs according to analysts who are fortunate to have a positive market strategy when setting up an information system.

Experts revise their predictions

The current acquisition of the US Dollar Index (DXY) and regular investments should be made so that the market is able to fund the investment faster. The analysts’ proposals in a positive approach were the strategy “Buy the news” rather than “Sell the news”.

Chris Burniske and other cryptocurrency experts argue that Trump’s aggressive rhetoric is attacking one risk for the sake of better risk. It follows that Trump arrives at 30 percent with mass measures that extend until the arrival of this record for high risk.

Flockerz presents Vote-to-Earn innovations in pre-sale

The new Meme-Coin Flockerz install it with voting system to win in a unique market in crypto market. The project, which started at the central company in Wurzeln, brings in 10 million US dollars in pre-sales.

The project differentiates itself by being within the Tokenomics community, focusing on the 70 study projects directed towards the Nutzer Vertilt Werden project. It only takes 25 percent in the staking program and voting model to win, meaning active investors and abstainers with honored token bonds will be honored.

Direct to Flockerz Website

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