
More power supply for electric tanks: Deutsche Entwickler nutzen 10,000 Volt

More power supply for electric tanks: Deutsche Entwickler nutzen 10,000 Volt

Die am Fraunhofer ISE entwickelte Mittelspannungs-Systemtechnik soll zukünftigen Schnellladestationen Spitzenlasten von mehreren Megawatt bei geringem Ressourcenverbrauch et hoher Flexibilität ermöglichen.

(Fraunhofer ISE)Die am Fraunhofer ISE entwickelte Mittelspannungs-Systemtechnik soll zukünftigen Schnellladestationen Spitzenlasten von mehreren Megawatt bei geringem Ressourcenverbrauch et hoher Flexibilität ermöglichen.

Parking on highways, in bus stations or in logistics centers, it is possible to obtain more and more services in the available time – this means that you are directly and average support networks are available. The Fraunhofer ISE will be nonn die Systemtechnik dafür bereitstellen.

More Electric lamp in the German street there are a number of means of transport at the parking stations, a large Anzahl and a Fahrzeugen gleichzeitig bedienen zu können. Car rental offers are aimed at highways, as well as city parking lots, busiest parking lots or logistics centers. To achieve them, you will not have new loading stations without any other person and the sub-spannungs-Wechselstromnetz angleschlossen werden.

As part of the “MS-Tankstelle” project, Fraunhofer ISE worked together with an industrial partner on semi-trailer system technology for power storage stations, with peaks of more than megawatts in place, managed by the institute in a press center. As Mittelspannung bezeichnet man in der Regel den Bereich von 1,000 Volt bis 52,000 Volt. Typical distribution networks in German distribution networks are 10,000, 20,000 or 30,000 volts.

Power tanks must be switched to 3.5 Megawatt outputs

The research institute is studying the hard forming method for a switching system for 150 kW electric motors, while trucks, vans and small LKWs operate up to 350 kW. Electrical charges are longer than a typical tank, which are placed in fuel tanks until charged between 15 and 25 hours, until a transport vehicle is in a clear weather. Beim parallelen Schnellladen ruft the Electric tanks ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 Megawatt Leistung ab – also etwa das Zehnfache der heute im Schnitt verfügbaren Leistung.

The Problem with current Technology: The Standard-Schnellladesäulen (zum Beispiel von Alpitronic) werden mit troisiphasigem Wechselstrom mit 400 Volt versorgt – also mit Niederspannung. A single segment of lower power, 400 to 500 kW, power of 400 to 500 kW, cannot be used repeatedly. For large loading yards, there are more transformers nearby, networks of intermediate facilities and jewels near lower training centers are perfect for implementation. In the current situation, the voltage is changed to 1,000 Volts. Double extension fittings and large cable information use techniques for large installations that are not very difficult and inefficient.

Although the internal infrastructure of a tank station or park is at the height of the Forscher of the Fraunhofer ISE, it is not located in the lower network, from the long cable trays, to 25 points of loading at 100 meters and more possibilities, as well as transportation facilities and installation costs. hohen Verlusten in den Cablen führen.

The Fraunhofer ISE is part of a project with the partners Sumida Components & Modules GmbH, Infineon Technologies AG and AEG Powersolutions GmbH who are developing an electronic system for charging stations and developing them on support and network intermediate distribution, with a cost price lasting $1,500. VDC (Volt-Gleichstrom) is available free of charge. Die höhere Spannungsebene führt zu einer höheren Leistung bei gleicher Stromstärke, ohne der Kabelquerschnitt größer werden muss. Durch den deutlich geringeren Kupferverbrauch soll zudem ein wesentlicher Beitrag zum Welt- und Ressourcenschutz geleistet werden. At a price of 1,500 VDC, the Grenze der Niederspannung darstellt et oberhalb dieses Wertes etere Normen gelten. In Folgeprojekten sei geplant, die Spannung darüber hinaus zu steigern.

Fraunhofer-System allows E-Autos to operate like E-Lkw

In the non-entwickelten System lösung koppelt a galvanisch getrennter Wandler das Gleichstrom-Verteilnetz an die Fahrzeugbatterie et steuert die Schnellladung. The Gleichstromwandler mit einer Leistung von je 175 kW sollen so konzipiert sein, dass sie im Systemlosloslos parallel geschaltet werden können. When you start the operation, you have to leave the station with the left of the E-Pkw at the same time as the station with the big light for the E-Lkw.

Im Gegensatz zur heimischen Wallbox müssen öffentliche Ladestationen zudem high grade compatible for verschiedene Fahrzeugtypen sein. Das im Project entwickelte Konzept mit einem zentralen Gleichrichter et un a 1,500 V-DC-Verteilung hat den Vorteil, dass die Netzanschlussskomponenten, aussi Transformator et Gleichrichter, unabhängiger von der Ladeelektronik dimensioniert et skaliert werden können. Mit Blick auf den großen Bedarf an leistungselektronik et Komponenten wie Kabeln and Transformatoren soll zudem der Materialbedarf im Vergleich zu actuellen Lösungen deutlich reduziert werden.

For a non-complete charging process of the station with the dominant European standards CCS1 and CCS2, they are also compatible, as well as for current voltages up to 500 amps and a voltage range up to 1000 V in the current . Darüber hinaus soll das Konzept auch den “Megawatt Charging System” -Standard (MCS) advises you, all of them for Elektro-Lkw gedacht ist. To do this, there is a second installation variation module, for the different visible components to be used.

“The topology of our project cannot be used for charging stations, but it can also be used in hybrid plants or for the integration of stationary batteries,” explains Andreas Hensel from the Hochleistungselektronik and Systemtechnik group at Fraunhofer ISE. A demonstrator will have an upcoming starting point during the Energiefachmesse E-World, which will take place from February 11 to 13, 2025 in Essen. The Fraunhofer-Allianz Energie stand is located in Halle, at 5 a.m., stand D126.