
Transport to the Nord Stream is carried out quickly with half a million tonnes of methane for free – Wissen

Transport to the Nord Stream is carried out quickly with half a million tonnes of methane for free – Wissen

Durch den Anschlag auf the Nord-Stream-Gaspipelines in der Ost Lake on September 26, 2022, that means 465,000 tons of fuel gas Methane in the gelangt atmosphere. Das berichten Wissenschaftlerinnen et Wissenschaftler in three Study in training studies Nature And Natural communications. Methane is the best Erdgas standard and has a 20-year lifespan of 85-mal, therefore climate control with CO₂. Bei dem Anschlag wurden three von insgesamt vier Pipelines beschädigt. Durch die Pipeline Nord Stream 1 floss zuvor russisches Erdgas nach Deutschland. Nord Stream 2 is at war with Wasted Gas, but not yet underway.

Forest wastewater is even more alive, so big as during Aliso-Canyon-Gasleck 2015 in California. Damals trat nach einer Bohrung Gas aus. While people live together with the greatest things, with Methan through menschliche activities in the atmosphere between them. However, the Lecks 2022 are no longer 0.1 than the Methanausstoßes, which are then consumed by men and women. “The exploitation of methane substances in the global atmosphere attacks anthropogenic substances and anthropogenic substances in the context, which have been created around the world,” said researcher Stephen Harris of the International Emissions Observatory methane (Imeo) of the National Association in Nature.

The team takes care of anaerobic digestion and data from pipeline managers and messages under the direction of other specialists and satellites. Messages are often heard in the most important messages and over time they need to be heard. On the day of delivery you will be able to use the satellite navigation engines. Harris and Kollegen work with simulations.

Die Methanwerte in Teilen der Ostsee waren vorübergehend fünfmal so hoch wie üblich

Forscher a Martin Mohrmann from the Swiss University of Gothenburg studied data from Methan, which is in the waters of the Ostsee. We are in Natural communications schreiben, waren die Methanwerte Anfang january 2023 in 14 Prozent der Ostsee fünfmal so hoch wie üblich. “The images of the Nord-Stream-Vorfalls have Erdgas, das an der Meeresoberfläche austritt, sodass man allzu leicht vergisst, dass eine beträchtliche Menge im Meer verblieb; These gelöste Gas bleibt et breitet sich long Zeit aus”, by Mohrmann in a central university of the university.

A team of a Friedemann Reum from the Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt in Oberpfaffenhofen will take place on October 5, 2022 with a Hubschrauber-Schleppsonde Methanausgasungen above the Ort des Vorfalls. With the team of Natural communications berichtet, stiegen dort damals 19 bis 48 Tonnen Methan pro Stunde aus dem Ostseewasser in die Atmosphäre auf. “Was wir sahen, war Methan, das sich zunächst an den Leckstellen im Meerwasser der Ostsee gelöst hatte. Von da an wurde es von den Meeresströmungen weiter transportiert, before being in the Luft gelangte,” said Reum.