
Alice Weidel and the AfD fell under Hochstapler’s orders

Alice Weidel and the AfD fell under Hochstapler’s orders


First the AfD discovered the Reich of the world, then again today the package? In the AfD war, the implementation is so crude that everyone tackles the situation with a simple stapler.

It is likely that Korean Younghoon Kim will be present this time in the English language of Wikipedia. It is true that an article was published in the last few years of the world and the AfD and Elon Musk were blamed.

In the last days there will be two auf men, while 35-year-old Younghoon Kim has been overtaken, and he has a copy of the AfD Geschickt, but he has not yet reacted. It is tragic for the man, of his own time in which there is a life, for the man with the high intelligence quotients of the whole world at work. This is a network work of wet companies, institutions and services, which is a gem of a role-playing game and is inside a lackluster IQ.

While there is an email online with Fragen schickte, it is likely that the journalist is blocked on It has not been created, but there is a Klon of the Superhirne-Vereinigung Giga Society with a unique name and an angibt partner, who has never been seen. It is also clear in the world of men, their purview as the true packaging of the man of the world and the stapler aufschlägt.

This is going well for you, Younghoon Kim within the trio of X-Eigentümer Elon Musk, a kurze Liebesbeziehung zur AfD aufgenommen hat. Zuerst hatte Musk declared, the AfD zu unterstützen. Worldwide there is news of Musk with Weidel plauderte, which is also Younghoon Kim auf X gemeldet: Nur die AfD könne Deutschland reten. Musk must be ready to respond to the Koreans’ Lob.

AfD-Bekenntnis brachte Kim ersehnte Aufmerksamkeit un wie wohl nie zuvor – and in the war of the AfD the great Verzückung. How does the Reichsten Mann of the world take over the entire AfD for Wahl? Bei der Aussicht auf solche Anerkennung galt möglicherweise das Sprichwort: Gier frisst Hirn. “Kann er irren?”, Poste AfD-Vorsitzende Alice Weidel Kims Empfehlung mit einem Bild zum Teilen und dem Hinweis, dass das der Mann mit dem anerkannt höchsten IQ sei. If you don’t die Einzige damit, the bayerische AfD-Vorsitzende Stephan Protschka ließ einen Beitrag mit the vermeintlichen Super-Genie basteln.

Weidel, and other members of AfD politics, released their current publications. “Der Beitrag wurde gelöscht, da Zweifel an der Echtheit des Accounts des Herrn bestand,” says the AfD mit. This is a product that does not have a single tall stapler for the job.

This is Younghoon Kim zweifellos, the group man of the Superhirn-Vereinigung Giga Society, Paul Cooijmans from the Netherlands. “Ein größenwahnsinniger, krankhaft lügender Hochstapler nach meiner Einschätzung.” Younghoon Kim must be smarter within the Durchschnitt, and he is also the only one in a Cooijmans event created by the Glia Society, for the man of an IQ-Wert aufweisen muss, as nur jder Tausendste ihn hat. “Mistakes can be made during testing,” Cooijmans said.

The castle of the Netherlands Kim aus, as the Korean began to do, on the eve of 1996, de Cooijmans established the Giga Society ( and created a “Giga Society” (gigasociety. net) for the Schlauesten der Schlauen aufzubauen. “Seit 2021 verwendet Kim den Namen ohne meine Erlaubnis, nutzt Text von der Webseite der echten Giga Society auf seiner nachgebauten Webseite and listte more tatsächliche Mitglieder der echten Giga Society ohne ihr Wissen auf.” This zeitliche Abfolge last sich leicht nachprüfen, and the “Medium” service became the second account of the Kims Society gelöscht.

Kims neue Seite is an optische German pump like the page of the other “Giga Society”, like the German hacktivist @N3ll4, who also fell in the fall and marveled. “Ichenne Hochbegabte, und die arbeiten en der Regel mit sehr klaren und minimalistischen Auftritten.” Kim reached out and replied back and it’s so sure the person gave it to her.